Currently, the Item Number in I/C Items is limited to a maximum of 24 characters. However, our company manufactures and sells very complex distributed control products. To fully describe the base model, suffixes and options of the product, up to 80 characters is needed for the product code.
A suggested workaround is to create a dummy Item Number of up to 24 characters, then enter the full product code in the first line of "Additional Item Information" in the I/C Items screen. But this workaround suffers from the following drawbacks :
1. We need to maintain the mapping between 24-char Item Number and actual product code in
Item Master. Our products are very complex and a base model can have many
different combinations of suffixes and options, resulting in many different product codes.
Having to devise a suitable 24-char Item Number for every product code that exceeds
24 characters represents an unproductive increase in workload for users. It also introduces additional communication difficulties between customer, order handling and production department, as customer and production know only about the full product code, but standard ACCPAC shows the abbreviated 24-char Item Number e.g. in OE Order/Shipment Entry screen.
2. We also need to customize every document/report/screen for which we wish to see the full product code instead of the abbreviated Item Number. This makes it harder to upgrade our ACCPAC to a new version in future, as many customized programs need to be migrated as well.
Hence we think that the length of Item Number should be increased substantially, if possible to 80 characters. This would benefit companies which make highly complex products that necessitate a longer product code, without requiring them to perform additional tasks or customize ACCPAC extensively.
by: Ethan K C. | over a year ago | General Enhancements
This has been a repeated point of contention with both existing clients and prospects - especially in distribution (as outlined by Ethan)
For the record, I saw this thread (and upvoted it) on 2 August 2019 and it was noted as being raised 'over a year ago'. I suspect it has been here many years.
William Woolmer
PS this forums needs to show the ORIGINAL date taht an idea is posted.
Let the light in. If it shows how badly ignored ideas are, well so be it.
Dont be scared.