Currently, the Serial/Lot Number Qty On Hand (Detail) report will show all stocks with the status of available, no matter there is quantity or quantity is equal to 0 (zero).

Understood that for those items with 0 quantity will still show in this report is due to the lot number has already existed in the system and there's history being captured in the database.

It will be a pain to the customer to print the Serial/Lot Number Qty On Hand (Detail) report where there are numerous lot items which having zero quantity. The customer need to go through all the pages which showing 0 (zero) quantity and only look for those lot items with positive quantity.

For easier viewing and faster checking purpose, it would be great to have an option "Include Item with zero quantity" for this report. Therefore, once click to print the report, those items with zero quantity will not be printed in the report. If the customer also wants to view what are the lot numbers that they have used previously, they can turn on the checkbox for "Include Item with ZERO quantity". In this way, the customer has the option to select whether to include or exclude the item with zero quantity. In addition, the store personnel can also print this report and have a quick view where this will save their time to identify the lot item directly.
