Sage ERP 300 doesn't have a 'Contract Drawdown' purchasing function .
A few minor changes could provide a basic model, which would satisfy at least two clients I have asking for this.
Currently creating a PO line from a Purchase Requisition line automatically completes the Requisition line, regardless of the qty that was put to PO.
It would be very useful in many industries to have an option called:
'Complete Requisition line on transfer to PO "
with a drop-down choice of Yes / No /When Req Qty reaches zero .
This option could be set in PO Setup/ Options as a default and allow over-riding per PO detail line.
Company makes a contract order for 100,000 metres of material as a PR. to be delivered in several lots.
Create and post a 'draw down' PO' for 30,000 metres from that PR line.
If on the PO line the 'Complete Requisition line ' option was set to 'No' or 'When Qty Zero' then the PR would now show qty of 70,000 , and the line would NOT be closed. Line could then be re-used in a subsequent PO. A further enhancement would be to store an 'Original Qty' field on the PR line.
To make the audit trail more visible, also store and show 3 more fields on the PO line:
-the originating PR number
-the PR line number
- the original qty on the PR line.
Obviously consolidation of Req lines on the PO would make these 3 fields inaccurate, so if the line is consolidated set the first two fields to 'Consolidated' and the 'Original Qty' field to the consolidated orig qty.
by: William W. | over a year ago | Operations Management