Workers Compensation costs are significant. Previously we used a benefit to cost them. With the introduction of payroll v7.0 workers compensation is automatically calculated but it does not follow the cost centre input in timecards. We break down employee hours by the equipment they operate during a shift. This allows us to extract corresponding equipment hours, in order to prorate fuel and other costs. These figures are used to generate journal entry batches to allocate costs. We already had WC under control until the update. My clients a I request that workers compensation amounts be assigned to GL cost centres where the wage costs are assigned in the employee profile or as specified in the timecard if it is overridden. Employer portion of EIR1 already exhibits this behaviour.
by: Jim B. | over a year ago | Payroll
We would like WCB Cost Centres
Would like WCB Cost Centres
My clients are tired of Manually overwriting in the GL as well.
Definitely a good idea...we set up a non-cash benefit using the cost centre override option to achieve the desired GL entries.