We have various Check/Payment number runs designed to identify how a payment was processed, e.g. B-Pay, EFT, Direct Debit, and so on. Before doing a Bank Rec I quickly check Reverse Transactions to make sure the numbers have been used correctly. In previous versions these payments were listed numerically making it so easy to scroll down to check that all payments have been posted, and that all payment numbers are the right length.

My current version lists them in date order only, therefore all the different payment references are intermingled making the above job much more time consuming.

I have noticed various requests for lists or columns to be able to be sorted numerically - I think this is another of those places.


  • We also need to sort by document number in Reverse Bank Entry screen. We have to manage thousands of checks every month. Date in AccPac and date on our external reports does not match because they are imported, so we need to find them by number. Even if there are filters for number, they require to type in twice the check number we are looking for, for each one of the numerous checks we need to reverse. Is there any other less painful way to work around it, at least?