The new deliver by date in order entry is a real good help for some customers, but for some customers that won't use it, it is really annoying once you change the expected ship to date to a later date you would either have to change the deliver by date or you will get a warning while posting, so please add an option in the setup screen to turn off the warning.
by: Shraga M. | over a year ago | Operations Management
This is indeed the case for us, where we do not use this expected ship date and but is faced with this annoying pop-up whenever we have try to post orders already entered or when we enter deliver by date. Deactivating this pop-up would be greatly appreciated.
agreed. We just upgraded from 6.0 to 2014 and this note is so annoying. Will it go away if we UI that field out?
This is silly since the Deliver by date automatically populates with the order date which is typically less than the ship date so by default you will always get that warning. This is adding key stokes to the process.
this has a hot fix now, so this can be marked as COMPLETED i suppose.