We used to use a 3rd party Serialised Inventory package, but with the AccPac 6.1 we have been forced to use the built-in SN Inventory, which is nowhere as good, easy or intuitive as the 3rd party option.
As an example there is no easy option to change a Serial Number.
In the 3rd Party system you could change the SN with one simple click without changing all the information (purchase information, cost etc) associated with the SN.
Please could you incorporate the Renumbering option in your next upgrade.
by: Lisbeth P. | over a year ago | General Enhancements
IC Periodic Processing, Serial/Lot Reconciliations.
Extract from the help screen:
You can also use the Serial/Lot Reconciliation screen to change the serial numbers and lot numbers that were assigned when items were received or sold.