When doing a bank reconciliation I find it frustrating that if I want a print of the front page (Which shows bank balance and values of cheques deposts etc o/s) of the bank reconciliation module I need to do a screen dump and past to Word or similar.
Surely a File Print should include a copy of the reconciliation as it stands at the time of printing
Supposedly going to get fixed in V4.2, 5.0 6.0 etc - Come on now get it fixed - the nformation is there just not printable
by: Ian A. | over a year ago | Financial Management
Well McFee it is possible
Our Business partner saw this opost and e mailed me with a solution. Many thanks Steve B
Well you can print the requested front page as needed for auditors etc from the bank servces, banktransaction reports, reconciliation posting journal. and at the bottom of the report it prints the requested screen look alike!.
Now this is great but surely such a thing needs to be available on a printer report BEFORE the bank rec is posted? Cartainly doing file print from the reconciliation screen gives everything other than the filal portion called "Bank Reconciliation Summary"
So how about it - can this be added to the file print report? (Aka Bank Reconciliation Status Report)???????/
Did anyone find this helpful - or am I wasting time writing this?