In Sage Pro each customer can be assigned a Tax Certificate (Resale) with an expiration date whereby whenever a Sales Order or AR Invoice is created for that customer, the system will automatically validate whether the customer has a tax certificate and whether the expiration date has been reached to automatically default the SO or Invoice as a sales tax exempt transaction. Obviously, the tax exempt status can be overwritten at the transaction level.
Currently the customer tax certificate is just a "For information only" type of data and OE does not take that into consideration. It is up to the user to properly define the user tax code/type and therefore a tax certificate expiration is irrelevant to Sage 300. Each customer will have a different Tax Certification Expiration Date. Maintaining that can be very tedious. Worse is when an OE is entered and sales tax collected or not collected properly because the data entry user will normally not check the expiration date.
Need Sage 300 OE to behave like Sage PRO whereby that function automatically validates for Tax Certification Expiration date and overrides item details tax application.
by: Jim Y. | over a year ago | Operations Management