Need to be able to send invoice's to customers via e-mail. Would be nice to be able to select a list of invoice's and put in one e-mail. Right now we export to desktop and then drag and drop into e-mail. You are able to put a subsequent list of invoice's numbers but that doesn't always happen.
by: Brigitte C. | over a year ago | Other
Would it not be good to e mail a statement and copy ALL the invoices shown thereon at the push of a button, or if ALL invoices are not required Invoices covered by a date range
It's a computer and all information is available so why not have a report do ssomething useful
03/07/15 (As no dates are ever recorded on this website
While you're at it enable multiple report to send in one email, eg all latest invoices plus current AR statement and an analytical report.
Serge from Aptus Business Solutions has an Invoices and Statements emailer tool he wrote for Sage 300 that knocks this requirement out of the park. Its awesome, great value - not expensive at all and we have several customers using it.