Sick & Vacation Accrual continues to accrue and not stopping at the maximum accruable amount.
For example, for Sick Accrual code, the maximum accruable is 30 hours for the year.
Employee taken 15 hours. The balance is now 15 hours. The program will continue to accrue until it reaches the maximum again. Now employee gets 45 hours of sick hours for the year.
Currently Sage 300 payroll is calculating accruals based on the unused hours. Should be based on the total accrued hours for the year.
by: Chathu A. | over a year ago | Payroll
Agree needs fixing, or if it is not going to get fixed the description needs to change, nobody would assume it would function in this way in my opinion.
This worked fine until Sage took away the Sage 300 payroll & gave us HRMS payroll(with version numbers starting with a 7.X). Donna Heavner