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    Utilize versioning in MAS 500 .NET Assemblies to avoid conflicts

    Recommend that Sage use standard .NET development practices and utilize the versioning capability provided for .NET Assemblies they create for MAS 500. This would allow ...
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    Please extend the amount of characters that can be used in the Phone ...

    Currently there are only 4 characters supported. We would like to see this extended to 6 characters.
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    Have new screens due to upgrading added to any CUSTOM task menu items ...

    I had a customer upgrade from 6.3 to 7.3 and they had a couple custom task menu lists. With the addition of all the business insights, it makes adding them to the custom ...
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    Font(s) used in MAS 500 applications and reports

    Data Entry Clerks have noticed that it is difficult to differentiate between the number zero and the letter O throughout the system. While not a major concern, having ...
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    Add a quick print option to SO Entry, RMA Entry, PO Entry etc so that ...

    The time consumed waiting for the print process box to pop up is generally a waste. Would like to have a quick print feature as was in mas200 and 90 for printing to the ...
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    Enhance clsDmGrid to support a full date/time instead of just date ...

    Without any workaround, the clsDmGrid will only save dates w/o the time component which is an issue for sensitive data that needs to be properly tracked as to when it was ...
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    Store Credit Card Pre-Auth / Payment authorization expiration date

    Storing the pre-authorization expiration date offers the customer a way to build alerts to inform them how much time they have to convert that pre-authorization into a ...
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    Create Data Import Manager Template for Cost Tier Adjustment

    For standard cost valuation environment, create a Data Import Manager template to allow the import of un-posted Cost Tier Adjustments to facilitate standard cost updates ...
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    AP Invoices: add ability to change the remit to address for open ...

    once an invoice is posted it would be nice to be able to change the remit to address as long as the invoice is open. Rather than forcing the inv to be reversed and ...
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    Provide a "startup" folder that will launch tasks after sign on.

    This would allow users that generally start and use the same tasks- activites, BIE's, BIA's, reports, etc. to launch when the user logs onto the system.
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    Add ability to set Run As property for SQL Job Steps in ...

    The current version of MAS 500's SQLSchedulerUtils.DLL does a fine job setting up a basic SQL Job on SQL Server. However, it lacks the functionality to set the Run As ...
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    SDK - Add Section SQLSchedulerUtils.DLL

    The SQLSchedulerUtils.DLL is a useful COM object that can be called from a MAS 500 task to create custom SQL Jobs. However, this DLL is not documented within any of the ...
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    Redesign SDK Utilities as stand alone applications

    Currently most of the utility programs that come with the MAS 500 SDK such as the Data Dictionary Utility and the Strings Utility require a developer to create a new MAS ...
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    Custom Reports - 80 character names

    In version 7.2 you could have add a custom report with an 80 character name on the menu. In version 7.3 has been enhanced to only allow 40 character names for custom ...
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    Do Not Auto Populate Voucher Balance Total (Top Right)

    In v7.3, the voucher total used for balancing purposes (in the top right corner of the Enter Voucher screen,) auto populates with the amount of the first line entered ...
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    System Status Not Requiring a License

    As an administrator, it would be nice for the "system status" task to not reserve a MAS 500 license, and thus not take up a license spot. This would be beneficial by ...
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    Add teh Ability to Change when PDF Invoices are generated and sent

    In our case our customers are recieving duplicate invoices: one invoice at the SO Commit stage and another in the invoice batch becasue the Invoice is changed (In our ...
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    Add ability to ship a transfer order without the Sales Order Module.

    Transfer orders should be a warehouse feature and not require the SO module. With the PO and WM modules you can create the transfer order, approve it and also receive ...
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    Make the Entry / Edit Screens Accessible for people with disabilities

    Labels are not read by a screen reader when an edit or selection field is selected. The fix for this is to ensure that the label immediately precedes the entry field in ...
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    Make the toolbars accessible for people with disabilities

    The following accessibility issues exist with the toolbars: a. Cannot navigate to toolbars with the keyboard. b. Toolbar is not displayed as a list in the ...