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    Allow for multiple UPCs per Item/UoM combination

    Currently you are only allowed one UPC per item for each Unit of Measure. We have noticed that suppliers will have different UPCs on the same item depending on version or ...
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    When a Drop Ship PO is Cancelled the SO Line Item should Close

    Currently In MAS 7.4.4, when a PO is cancelled for a drop ship order (the item is discontinued, et al), the line items on the sales order are left open . When the PO is ...
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    Create a viable workflow for returning a Drop Ship

    At this point in time, there is no process for returning a Drop Shipment either directly to the Vendor, or to a local warehouse. Sage's KB ID19367 states: Return ...
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    Tag Drop Ship PO and SO

    Current we can "Generate PO from SO" for Drop Ship. Oftenly customer want to split SO to multiple lines, however we will lost the tag when we split PO to multiple lines ...
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    add ability to set landed cost by warehouse in Inventory Maintenance.

    The current inventory setup and 7.4 setup allows definition of landed cost at the item level. This does not account for costs that vary depending upon the warehouse ...
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    Need to have an option to allocate stock by the oldest order date

    Our current allocation does not take into account transfer orders under Earliest Ship. We need to have an option that allows us to allocate stock by OLDEST Order Date ...
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    enter/save/update a customer's pricing into contract pricing from ...

    it would be nice to be able to not have to go in to contract pricing to enter all the pricing after entering it in the sales order.
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    Provide Option on Out of Stock Assistant to Accept Order without Back ...

    We have instances where we do not currently have stock when the order is placed, but we know we will have stock (via either Work Order or incoming shipment); this is an ...
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    Add Security Event for Deletion of Pick List from Reprint Pick List ...

    In Sage 500 v7.4, if I allow shipping personnel access to the Reprint Pick List Screen, they can unknowingly delete pending shipments and pick list lines by simply ...
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    Allow multiple "Receiving Warehouse" / "Ship Method" combinations on ...

    We should have the ability to enter multiple "Receiving Warehouse" / "Ship Method" combinations on the "Set Up Warehouses -> Transfers" tab. The "Lead Time Days" field ...
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    Make search more consistant
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    Allow UPC codes for Kits

    Currently you cannot access the UPC field for a BTO Kit.
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    Sales Order Entry - Inactive Customer

    When you try to enter a sales order for an inactive customer the message that is returned is "Invalid Value" and looks like a system error message. This should be an ...
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    Landed Cost Report

    Would like to have a ability to have a hard copy landed cost allocations from the entry grid since this information doesn't appear to be available to print on the Receipt ...
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    Sales Order/Quotes Expand BTO kits

    There should be an option to expand BTO kits on the Enter Sales Order and Quotes form. This will make it easier in determining the inventory status of the kit at the time ...
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    RFID Support

    Companies such as Walmart require suppliers to put radio-frequency identification tags on shipping crates and pallets with embedded electronic product codes (EPC) for ...
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    Remove requirement of needing a contact with a shipping address.

    Contacts may or may not be associated with a shipping address. Many Ship To addresses have no conctact, but may need an Attention To. Allow creation of a stored or ...
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    Edit Shipments: Sort by Item# for transfer order shipments.

    When a shipment is generated from a transfer order the line item grid sort is random. This makes the update process difficult if you're trying to input from picklist or ...
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    Create a Customer Return API For MAS 500

    Like Sales Orders, which can be imported into MAS 500, there is a need to have the capability to import customer returns into MAS 500 as well. The MAS 500 Professional ...
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    Allow option for GL Override based on the Destination or Sales ...

    From a sales and a cost of sales perspective, would like to have the ability to track where the goods will end up (Sales Territory? Destination?) within the General ...