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    Make product update release notes available for download.

    In years past the Sage 500 product update download site included links to release notes in PDF file format for each update. With the recent (2014) change in the Sage 500 ...
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    Customizer: Change the Register Format default to "Detail" when you ...

    Allow Customizer to change the Register Format default to "Detail" when you Register/Post batches (needed in all modules). Currently, the Register Format defaults to ...
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    Allow ability to post negative amount in Cash Management Bank ...

    Need the ability to show a cash shortage within a deposit in Bank Transaction Entry. Currently we have to make two separate transactions, one being a deposit for the ...
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    On the Customer Status Inquiry, the Balance as of field at the bottom ...

    Clients complain that the Balance at the bottom of the Customer Status Inquiry screen does not display cents and thus does not match the Ledger totals. They would like ...
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    Add generic encryption library to SDK

    MAS 500 7.3 added encryption routines to support the Credit Card module. However, the routines in the Credit Card DLL's only save encrypted data to those tables. It ...
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    SDK - Add Section SQLSchedulerUtils.DLL

    The SQLSchedulerUtils.DLL is a useful COM object that can be called from a MAS 500 task to create custom SQL Jobs. However, this DLL is not documented within any of the ...
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    Add teh Ability to Change when PDF Invoices are generated and sent

    In our case our customers are recieving duplicate invoices: one invoice at the SO Commit stage and another in the invoice batch becasue the Invoice is changed (In our ...
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    Database Creation Utility

    The DCU by default tries to set the <COMPUTERNME>\Administrator account as the proxy account during the install process. This is problematic on networks were the ...
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    Redesign SDK Data Range Utility to use web service

    Currently the Data Range Utility requires the customer to call support to have them set up and generate their SDK data ranges. This utility should be redesigned to use ...
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    Bulk delete of allocation codes and percentages

    We have 145 distinct allocation codes and over 1000 percentages which have to be keyed. Each year we “start fresh”, removing those we no longer use, update some existing ...
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    Sage 500 DataMgr should support all current SQL Data Types

    Not sure if is possible knowing the age and technology behind the Sage 500 DataMrg, but it needs a little updating to support SQL data types such as BIGINT. Recently ran ...
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    Remove check for open batches during database upgrade.

    For years Sage has required all batches to be posted before the database is upgraded. However, when asked why this needs to occur, I have yet to get an answer that ...
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    Add button to Maintain Customers to automatically pull current ...

    Have a button that can be pushed to access a customers current statement or analysis. This allows more efficient use within the system without opening several modules.
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    User Group Field in Maintain Users

    We would like to have a field on the User screen which would allow us to designate additional information such as Department, etc. This (these?) field(s) would not ...
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    Data Alerts - Add specific error message for improperly entered email ...

    On the Data Alerts screen, if the email addresses are entered in the following format (joe@google.com, jane@google.com, jim@msn.com) and error message displays indicating ...
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    Add ability to reset a user's Business Desktop menu structure to a ...

    In some cases, database corruption, bad links, etc. cause issues with a user's business desktop menu. A nice to have feature when these issues occur is to have the ...
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    Add credit limits to the Customer Analysis report

    Please add credit limits to the customer analysis report for better decision making. Having this information in one screen prevents you from having to open the Maintain ...
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    Add Individual item pricing to Matrix Pricing by Customer Group

    Currently this functionality exists on Maintain Inventory Pricing but should also be on Matrix pricing by Customer Group. Many of the other pricing methods are available ...
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    Make Maximum Rows To Return (BIE) an optional field

    Just upgraded from 7.4 to 2016. In BEI reporting/analysis, a new filter now exists and we can't remove it: "Maximum Rows To Return" is taking up precious room on the ...
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    Allow National Account entry through Data Import Manager

    When importing Customers, linking to National Account option should be available