We can now copy and paste all visible layout into excel (by selecting entire row / rows), and paste into excel sheet, which by default paste all items (not phase) only are existed in the estimate.
Would be good if we can copy and paste same layout as shown on tabs (for example by WBS, location etc).
For example I make a specific WBS for Bid items and I only need total summary in a new tabs.
We can roll up and get total amount in high level as per each WBS. When I select my collapsed rows and paste into excel (I only need summary not details), the timberline paste all hiiden Items; not obeying what are shown on the tab.
I am aware that I can make this by custom report. but takes time.
This will be handy when we usually in rush in last minute and keep updating out bid forms / table.


  • Thank you for your submission, we have added it to our backlog and will prioritize accordingly.