There should be a button to click when viewing the entire estimate to round each material, other & equipment item # (or combination of the same item #s) to the nearest "Material Quantity", "Other Quantity" or "Equipment Quantity". What I mean is, if you've ran the same assembly more than once, you get 2 line items of the same material in your estimate overview. Lets say those two line items equates to 2.74 boxes of whatever material it is. There should be a button on the main screen of your estimate that looks through your entire estimate, finds the same item numbers, looks up the total quantity included in the estimate (in our example, 2.74 boxes), then adds the required takeoff amount to bring it up to 3 boxes as a separate, editable line item.

I know that generating a report can do this, but that doesn't make the numbers within the estimate correct.


  • Thank you for your submission, we have added it to our backlog and will prioritize accordingly.

  • I assume you know that this can be accomplished using the 'Round To' function in the assembly calculation for those items. But if the goal is to combine all similar items prior to rounding, as far as I know, they would have to build something into the app.