The ability to substitute an item from the spreadsheet view.
Anyone editing an estimate. It's time consuming to have to either go back to the assembly to do this, or to have to search for the item, add it and then delete the incorrect item.
Any time there is an incorrect item in the spreadsheet view, you would right click, select substitute and it would take you to the substitute item view.
This only exists in the assembly view.
by: Ramon P. | over a year ago | Other
I am running ver. 19.12 and have the ability to substitute item from the spreadsheet view. Instead of right-clicking on the item (description), you have to right-click on the line item number in the spreadsheet view (as if you were to highlight the entire line.)
You can also add the assembly column to your spreadsheet and have the ability then to right click over that column data and review assembly from the spreadsheet.