Please change the substitute all feature. Basically, whenever you are in spreadsheet view/Takeoff order, if you incorrectly selected something in the assembly takeoff option, you can substitute that item and replace it from the database.

When selecting the item, you want to substitute from the database your working in and then pressing enter. A pop-up window comes up giving you the option to substitute all the line items that match with the line item you are attempting to substitute! You can either select Yes or No!!!

No= The item you selected to substitute will change to the desired item selected in the database that you selected.

Yes= If you make this mistake of pressing yes, (unfortunately I did on a rather large project.....) every single line item that matches that line item will be changed to the substitution item.

Example- I originally took a 2-inch pipe support in the assembly takeoff page, which was an accident, but no problem I can just substitute it right!!!!! Wrong! I substituted and accidently pushed the Yes selection (see above why this is unfavorable please).

Every single support that was previously 2 inches that were supposed to stay that way was now changed to match the selected substituted item 3/4-inch pipe support. So now you would think there would be an undo button or back button or something. If you said yes, wrong again.

The reason I explained all this so thorough is that this mistake is extremely easy to make and there is 0 mitigation or redundancies in order to resolve this issue if you make the awful mistake of selecting that yes button.

So in conclusion, I propose 2 things that would help mitigate or eliminate

1. I propose that you allow the user/customer to completely turn this function off. In theory, it is a great feature it can be used for many different functions but in this particular case where there are many line items some of which are very similar, it can become a very large issue.

2. I propose alongside with the first solution that the undo or back button be added for this function. I know there is an undo function within sage, but this undo function does now work when this selection happens.

I beg that there is some mitigation put in place. I believe that the 2 ideas above are a wonderful start in order to resolve this issue!

-Please advise,
A concerned Estimator


  • Well, there is a way to undo this type of mistake in the app now. Go back to the original Item you were trying to Substitute and replace the 3/4" Pipe with the 2" Pipe and select Yes to replace all similar Items. Then redo the substitution on the Item you originally needed to change and hit NO.
    Agree that the Undo Feature on this action would be ideal.