PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE correct the software so that when you you go to open and Estimate the Folder Tree is collapsed. We have six Regions generating Estimates and it is nausiating to have to scroll through the fully open tree to get to the Estimate Folder you are looking for. This is a Billion $$ Software Company, I would like to think that a request that is this simple could be taken care of with minimal effort.
by: David W. | over a year ago | Other
This is a serious imperfection of what should be a great Software Platform.
We have a similar experience with the open estimate folder tree. It is always randomly expanded and takes way too long to find estimates. It would be so much nicer if it was defaulted to fully collapsed. Thanks.
My preference for managing Estimates would be to be able to Tap the Branches. Context Click -> Tab Branch Here. In this configuration, allow the user to create a Name for each Branch Tab.
It would be nice to have this in the Address Book as well.