• Planned


    Can we have a field for template description in Sage Production

    It would be very useful to have a description field for templates in Sage Production. Currently it uses the description of Step 000000 as the description which is of no ...
  • Planned


    Make Rev No Field Alphanumeric in Work Ticket Template

    All of our CAD software was set-up to build revisions based on letter, not number, so we set up Bill of Materials accordingly in the old version of MAS90. With Work ...
  • Planned


    Purchase Order Audit Trail

    Purchase Order Audit Trail The Purchase Order Audit Trail would provide detailed audit tracking for the Purchase Order module. Each field in Purchase Order (Header and ...
  • Planned


    Sales Order Audit Trail

    Need to be able to track for a sales order and the invoicing of a sales order any adds, changes, deletions of fields in the order/invoice.
  • Planned


    The customer master file needs to have a field called "Date of last ...

    The customer master file needs to have a field called "Date of last sale" (The last time that the customer was invoiced).
  • Planned


    In customer history have date of last invoice not just date of last ...

    Date of last invoice would be extremely helpful. Date of last activity includes anything done to the customer account.
  • Planned


    Purchase Order Cancel/Reason Codes should be available to choose when ...

    Many clients set Retain Deleted Orders to YES so that all deleted orders are saved to History and the choice is not left with the user. The user should have the ...
  • Planned


    Cancellation Reasons and Retain Deleted Orders as separate setup ...

    Currently in MAS90 Sales Orders Options, you can answer Y/N/Prompt for retaining Sales Orders in Sales Order History. Only by answering PROMPT will you be able to turn ...
  • Planned


    Inventory Trial Balance Report - exclude items with zero quantity on ...

    When printing the Inventory Trail Balance Report there are no options to exlude items with a month end zero quantity on hand. Therefore the report may contain a large ...
  • Planned


    Display customer phone on Sales order & print on forms

    The customer fax & email setup on the customer masterfile default to the Main tab of the Sales order, but the customer's phone number does not appear on the Sales order. ...
  • Planned


    Add a phone number on the fly to SO's.

    Add a phone number to Sales Order Entry. It currently pulls from Customer Maintenance but most of the time the person you are speaking with gives you their cell number ...
  • Planned


    Add extended item description on the Additional Packing List

    Currently additional Packing List Packing List (copy 2) pulls description from inventory item and not extended description entered in sales order.
  • Planned


    Physical count sheets - Print extended description of inventory items

    Provide the option to print the extended description of inventory items on the physical count sheets
  • Planned


    Please create a reverse batch in Payroll

    if an error is made and you need to rerun a payroll check, and you you have to reverse the entire batch which currently requires you to re-enter each entry as a negative ...
  • Planned


    Add Export to Excel button on Paperless Office Viewer grids.

    Since most grids now have this feature, please add it to Paperless Office Viewers.
  • Planned


    Bring back the "Shift" key functionality to choosing groups of ...

    Why was this ever removed? If you don't like the functionality of the "Shift" key, just don't use the "Shift" key. Problem solved. I have several divisions within the ...
  • Planned


    Add EAN and UPC fields to Inventory Master record

    Even though we have the ability to add UPC or EAN codes to the Item Alias as General records, this often conflicts with the Customer Alias when trying to create a Crystal ...
  • Planned


    GL Reversing Entry

    Existing function assigns Next General Journal Entry #. The reversing GJE# should assign the same Entry/Register/Journal number and Posting Date of the original entry.
  • Planned


    Purchase order Request for Quote - RFQ

    Ability to create purchase requistions to vendors that are not formal purchase orders until converted by the user. Similar to quotes in Sales Orders.
  • Planned


    Increase the length of the Accounts Receivable invoice number field.

    Businesses importing information from other software programs have A/R invoice numbers exceeding 7 characters. Example: Companies importing A/R invoices from a dispatch ...