• Votes


    Invoice Data Entry Screen should show all information at the same time ...

    On the Invoice Data entry screens, everything should show at the same time (Header, Lines, Totals Tab). It would make navigation easier for new users by displaying the ...
  • Votes


    receipt of goods and receipt of invoices linked

    When entering receipt of invoice after a receipt of goods has been entered, the invoice should automatically link to the receipt of goods and not to the entire PO. The ...
  • Votes


    Display Invoices for Item Purchases in Item Maintenance

    Add an "Invoices" tab to Item Maintenance and provide a list of invoices from the AP Invoice History file that contain that item showing the important info (vendor, ...
  • Planned


    Provide ability to click on column headers to sort during AP Invoice ...

    Since the selection button was added the ability to sort by column headers in AP Invoice Payment Selection has gone away as well. There is the sort button however this ...
  • Votes


    Provide drilldown capabilities on all reports

    Provide drilldown capabilities on all reports
  • Votes


    Increase the length of the PO Number field in Purchase Order

    Some clients use PO numbers where each digit is meaningful and the current limit of 7 characters is too restrictive.
  • Votes


    Inactive items are ignored in all manufacturing modules

    Unless I am missing a setting or multiple settings, it appears that I can add inactive items in Bill Of Materials and Production Management without any warning here are ...
  • Planned


    Add Export to Excel button on Paperless Office Viewer grids.

    Since most grids now have this feature, please add it to Paperless Office Viewers.
  • Votes


    Vendor Maintenance account number field

    Many of our vendors have issued us an account number, but there's no dedicated field in Vendor Maintenance to enter that, or other pertinent information, so it often ends ...
  • Planned


    Sales Order Audit Trail

    Need to be able to track for a sales order and the invoicing of a sales order any adds, changes, deletions of fields in the order/invoice.
  • Planned


    Purchase Order Audit Trail

    Purchase Order Audit Trail The Purchase Order Audit Trail would provide detailed audit tracking for the Purchase Order module. Each field in Purchase Order (Header and ...
  • Planned


    Make Rev No Field Alphanumeric in Work Ticket Template

    All of our CAD software was set-up to build revisions based on letter, not number, so we set up Bill of Materials accordingly in the old version of MAS90. With Work ...
  • Votes


    Eliminate Extended Descriptions, Increase description field

    What a pain it is to work with these extended descriptions. Granted it is better than a few versions ago. But why can't we just increase the description field size and ...
  • Votes


    The ability to print amendments on invoices In A/R Invoice Data Entry

    In A/R Invoice Data Entry - after amending an invoice (such as changing/adding a PO), let that new info. now print on the invoice. Would make it easier when emailing to ...
  • Votes


    Allow drag and drop to attach memos

    The ability to drag and drop all different attachments into memos. This would give the option of adding emails and other files with ease. (ex: adding email conversations ...
  • Votes


    Provide better accounting for customer deposits.

    Provide better accounting for customer deposits so there is a separate subsidiary ledger of such payments that provides a clear record of all such transactions including: ...
  • Votes


    Allow multiple deposits and Deposit Types to a Sale Order or Invoice

    We have many cases where a customer might want to put a large deposit on a sales order with one Credit Card but tell us to charge a different card for the balance. Some ...
  • Votes


    Get rid of the OK button.

    Allow user to overwrite populated fields and press enter to perform search. All other systems work this way. More work to have to navigate to OK button all the time!
  • Votes


    Have the ability to see the source journal in Production Management ...

    When going into a work ticket entry or work ticket inquiry for any of the tabs that relate to transactions (Labor, Materials, Direct Costs) there is no drill down to ...
  • Votes


    Update Item Last Cost with Actual Price Paid to Vendor

    The Last Cost field in Inventory Maintenance is updated with the PO cost at the time a receipt of goods is performed. However, it is not updated when the receipt of ...