• Votes


    Utility to transfer all item quantities from one warehouse to another.

    When using a different warehouse code for each service truck, it would be helpful to have a transfer of ALL quantities to a different warehouse code. When replacing a ...
  • Votes


    receipt of goods and receipt of invoices linked

    When entering receipt of invoice after a receipt of goods has been entered, the invoice should automatically link to the receipt of goods and not to the entire PO. The ...
  • Votes


    Recall Sales Order when voiding an invoice

    The ability to recall the original sales order and "re-open" it so that you can invoice against it again. Currently if you've invoiced against a sales order, it is ...
  • Planned


    Credit Holds should flag you in Cash Receipts

    When entering checks their should be a flag of some kind letting you know this customer is on credit hold. Then if the payment received resolves the past due status you ...
  • Votes


    Change/Merge/Delete utilties save to Paperless Office

    Change/Merge/Delete utilities in each module to save to Paperless Office. These logs get lost. GL, AP, AR, IM, PR.
  • Planned


    Ability to "Copy" Tracking number from Invoice data entry

    So many times a customer can't wait until the end of the day to receive their tracking number, so we go into Invoice Data Entry, Tracking to get it for them. You can't ...
  • Votes


    Make Bank Transfers Easier

    Bank Transfers from one bank code to another should be easier to do in Sage 100. Right now, you have to go to Transaction Journal Entry and fill out Offset Account No, ...
  • Votes


    Create an "eye" so user can click to verify their Password prior to ...

    Many Many sites (e.g. Windows login) provide the ability (via an "eye") to verify the password entered. Very frustrating to lock yourself out and even more frustrating ...
  • Votes


    Vendor Maintenance account number field

    Many of our vendors have issued us an account number, but there's no dedicated field in Vendor Maintenance to enter that, or other pertinent information, so it often ends ...
  • Votes


    Add County Name to Customer Masterfile

    Add County Name to Customer Masterfile so that Sales Reports can be sorted by State, County, City and Zip Code.
  • Votes


    Show the date of receipt of line items received within actual PO

    Show the date of receipt of line items received within actual PO
  • Votes


    Provide better accounting for customer deposits.

    Provide better accounting for customer deposits so there is a separate subsidiary ledger of such payments that provides a clear record of all such transactions including: ...
  • Planned


    Show - Total of Cleared Transactions in Reconcile Bank for the Bank ...

    It would be nice to have the Total of Cleared Transactions in Reconcile Bank for the Bank Rec module. This would make bank reconciliation easier so that you can compare ...
  • Votes


    Credit Holds - Exempt Box

    Please create a check box so that large sales volume customers with little maintenance are not placed on credit hold if they happen to go over the past due limits set in ...
  • Votes


    IRP Create work tickets without performing other actions

    Sometimes its nice to just run IRP to create stock work tickets with out automatically performing other actions like changing work ticket quantities, or changing due ...
  • Votes


    Open Work Ticket Entry instead of Inquiry when selecting Ticket from ...

    Currently if navigating through Item Maintenance to the Orders Tab you can double click to open Purchase Orders and Sales Orders to immediately edit them if needed, ...
  • Votes


    Work Tickets Autogenerated from IRP should Auto Release based on ...

    Currently, the Work Ticket must be selected in Work Ticket Entry after being autogenerated for the status to change to Released.
  • Votes


    Production Management Work Ticket Template - Increase Hours Decimal ...

    As a manufacture we need to have at least six decimal places in the hours field to accurately calculate the labor cost for each step. With only two decimal places the ...
  • Votes


    Design Production Management Labor Entry like Timecard

    Timecard allows punch in/out to job numbers and a repunch. This feeds payroll and Job Cost. PM Labor Entry has a punch in/out function that does not allow entry of a ...
  • Votes


    Need more accurate Costed BOM Report

    Currently the Costed BOM Report will drill down to all levels to use the raw component costs to add everything up. However, we have BOM assemblies that are purchased, so ...