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    Re-enable Address support for Salespersons even with Vendor Comm ...

    In prior versions of MAS500, Individual Salespersons had their own Address information, including phone, fax, and e-mail, even when their commission payment method was ...
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    Allow transfer of product between different companies

    When moving product between companies, it would be easier to do a transfer instead of purchase order and sales order transactions.
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    SAGE MAS 500 Availible In Mandarin Chinese

    My company is currently deploying MAS 500 within one of our Chinese branches and besides the general training that is required it is very difficult to explain the ...
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    Add the ability to include cash receipts when importing sales orders

    Currently sales orders can be imported, however posted or pending cash receipts against that sales order must be entered manually after the import.
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    Fix Unexpected Error running Stored Prodedure spsoProcessInvtCommit ...

    Somehow negative materials costs get into the system and cause the Commit Shipment to be stopped. System should not have negative costs. Negative costs should not ...
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    Add option on Reprint Pick List so you can print a batch of picks by ...

    We need to Reprint all the Picks for a certain WHSE & SchdShipDate. Need Options added to the list to include Whse, SchdShipDate, CreateDate. In the grid list include ...
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    Auto clear Pick Line when the Shipment has been shipped short.

    Situation: We make pick for 20 each to be shipped. Only 15 are actually shipped, commited, invoiced. But the system still says that 5 items are due to be shipped on ...
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    Sales Order - Change Order report needs to include Ship from ...

    1. Include WHSE setting for each Item on report. 2. Include selection option by Item. We ship from multiple warehouses and when reviewing sales order change report we ...
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    Sales Order Detail lines need CreateDate.

    Just dating the SalesOrder with createdate does not give us the level of reports we need. Need to be able to report Items booked this week, this month. Then we can see ...
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    Task Menu & My Tasks: Do not all 'move' off the Task Menu to MyTasks. ...

    From time to time someone moves a task off the Main Task Menu to their My Task list. Then no one can run the task anymore. Only allow a copy to My Tasks even for ...
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    Select boxes for Field & Conditon: Design the grid to show all of the ...

    The things I want are always on the bottom of the list. It is very irritating to constantly have to role down to bottom of the list. I want to see the whole picture of ...
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    Make a Text box that has the text-wrap feature

    Add ability to make a Text box that has the text-wrap feature In [SOA] company: Run any MAS 500 task, then bring up Customizer. Add a Text box control to the form, ...
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    Input mask in Credit Card / Transaction entry

    Currently when you enter a Credit Card number, there is no input mask. Providing an input mask provides ease of use when inputting Credit Cards. For example, for a Visa ...
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    Add Customizer in the Cost Breakdown screen for Project Accounting

    Project Accounting, Activities, Enter Projects. Select a Project, click Status Info, Cost Breakdown. If you want to modify the screen to change the labels or the ...
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    Add the ability to assign the positive pay format per bank account

    Add the ability to assign the positive pay format per bank account in Sage MAS 500. Currently there is only one default format per database. If the default format is ...
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    Add the ability to save / maintain multiple positive pay formats

    Add the ability to save / maintain multiple positive pay formats in Sage MAS 500. Currently there is only one default format per database. If the default format is ...
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    Restrict Display Only users from deleting other user Report Settings

    Display Only users can delete other user Report Settings in Sage MAS 500. Sign into MAS 500 as IMClerk1: Expand Inventory Management, Insights, Report, Stock Status. ...
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    Add aditional detail to Finance Charge Invoices

    Currently, MAS 500 does not detail the calculation or details of the Finance Charge by default. The Customer which receives the Finance Charge Invoice will most likely ...
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    Remove Positive Pay record types without source code

    With the nature of Positive Pay, each bank may have an individual required format. In stored procedure spapPopulatePosPay.sql and Apzjxdl1.dll both need to be modified to ...
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    Store Credit Card Pre-Auth / Payment authorization expiration date

    Storing the pre-authorization expiration date offers the customer a way to build alerts to inform them how much time they have to convert that pre-authorization into a ...