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    Need up to date and detailed instructions for installing Sage 500 on ...

    Looking at the documentation for installing Sage 500 in version 2023 it seems to be a bit outdated and needs to be reviewed to avoid any set up issues. It should have ...
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    Increase flexibility of phone number and postal code formats

    Phone number and postal code formats should be made more flexible to support international standards.
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    Set Security Access by Task/Event

    Create a form that allows you to select a security task or event and then set permissions to it for one or many security groups. E.g. Select the Inventory Maintenance ...
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    Saving Dates for Reports

    It would be nice to be able to have some special codes for dates to be saved in reports. For example to save a report that shows data from the current period, you could ...
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    Change the Business Desktop so tasks launch with 1 click like MAS 90

    There's no benefit to having to double click to launch a task from the Business Desktop. It would be much more efficient for the user to have single-click task ...
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    Develop a recovery plan that limits the possibility of the ...

    Work on improving not only the layout of the knowledgebase so that it is easier to search for pertinent solutions to your technical support needs, but also consider ...
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    Add "Where Used" to Explorer by Item.

    In Item Maintenance or where ever you have an option of viewing BOM. Have a where used BOM as well.
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    Add generic encryption library to SDK

    MAS 500 7.3 added encryption routines to support the Credit Card module. However, the routines in the Credit Card DLL's only save encrypted data to those tables. It ...
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    Add .NET Project templates to SDK

    As MAS 500 now supports the creation of .NET development. I recommend that Sage add .NET project templates to the SDK. These don;t have to be full blown wizards such as ...
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    Add .NET development topics to SDK documentation

    As MAS 500 now supports the development of .NET tasks, I recommend Sage add to their SDK documentation information regarding the requirements and steps necessary to build ...
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    Add Installer to SDK

    Recommend adding an installer utility to the SDK that will allow developers to package customizations they create for MAS 500. MAS 500 PSG use to sell a database ...
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    Indication of status of registering a database using the Database ...

    The MAS 500 database synchronization utility allows users to also register and re-register a database. However, there is no indication given whether or not this process ...
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    Allow transfer of product between different companies

    When moving product between companies, it would be easier to do a transfer instead of purchase order and sales order transactions.
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    SAGE MAS 500 Availible In Mandarin Chinese

    My company is currently deploying MAS 500 within one of our Chinese branches and besides the general training that is required it is very difficult to explain the ...
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    SDK - On Line Reference Guide - Add more detail information to ...

    As many new developers using the SDK will be dependent on the infomation found in the On Line Reference Guide to develop custom applications in MAS 500, I recommend ...
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    Improve Project Accounting Intercompany Functionality

    When selecting a target company in A/P, that company's list of general ledger accounts is made available on the "Account" tab. But when moving to the "Project" tab, only ...
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    Units when Processing Misc Project Accounting Transactions

    Our company posted thousands of Miscellaneous Project Account Transactions each month. In addition to the Project, Phase, Task, and Amount we would like the ability to ...
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    Sage MAS 500 initial Install and updates should support Click Once ...

    ClickOnce is a deployment technology that allows you to create self-updating windows based applications that can be installed and run with minimal user interaction. This ...
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    Add Section to MAS 500 SDK Documentation on Credit Card Module and ...

    In MAS 500 7.3, Sage released its first version of The Credit Card module. This module uses both VB 6 and .NET code on the client to create Customer credit card records, ...
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    Enhance Document Transmittal Error Messages

    Current error messages return by Document Transamittal in regards to transmission issues are very generic (especially for SMTP configurations) and do not provide enough ...