• Votes


    Update ALL screens where a user chosen an account to also have the ...

    Since you can set a reference code to REQUIRED, Sage needs to give the user the ability to CHOOSE on anywhere the user selects an account. A perfect example is in the AR ...
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    Give the site the OPTION to allow posting to occur without ...

    In the age of "going green", these registers are worthless and a wasted step for 90% of my customers. It should be optional so the user can immediately select "Post ...
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    Make rename feature consistent across all setup codes

    Why are there some setup items you cannot rename the code (A to B Button)? For examle, the shipping methods and inventory bins.
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    Allow the ability to make reference codes mandatory or optional for ...

    Need to be able to make the reference code field mandatory is the account mask is hit during trx entry. There is no warning at all letting the user know that they should ...
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    Make printing posting reports OPTIONAL before posting

    Many customers DO NOT want to print or view the posting reports prior posting. This should be an optional step. It can be either a system wide option, or module by ...
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    Ability to re-create an posi-pay file even AFTER payments are posted

    It is WAY to easy for a user to post payments without generating the posi-pay file. We either need to do one of the following: 1) Allow a user the ability to recreate ...
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    Someone at Sage actually read these

    The "planned" and "completed" numbers have not changed much so I am wondering if I am wasting my time entering ideas in here. There are FANTASTIC easy items in here I ...
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    We need the ability to apply BI/MAS Intelligence fixes to existing ...

    By the time I receive a fix, I have 48 customized financials, and do not want the fix in a new template because then to apply the fix I have to rewrite all the cusotmized ...
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    Add color-coding to Credit Card transaction status messages.

    BHE has a feature to translate Credit Card processor codes into user-friendly color-coded text. Declined card transactions display in red. Successfully processed ...
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    Allow selection and entry of the second UOM

    Our inventory is in pounds but some of our customers also require the number of pieces along with the weight. We could calculate the number of pieces if the weight per ...
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    In the AP Voucher give users the ability to copy voucher lines

    When creating a multiple line voucher or re-curring voucher, there are many instances where the information from one line to the next is very similar except for a slight ...
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    Overhaul RMA process to be more like MAS 90

    The RMA process is severely limited in MAS 500. We don't always want a replacement shipped or a credit generated when the item comes back. Let's see some of the same ...
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    Add Transfer Orders to the Data Import Manager

    Currently, you can export a Transfer Order to Excel, but cannot do the reverse. Transfer Orders typically need to be manually managed to account for available inventory ...
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    Purchase Order recalculating unit price when changes are made

    Provide an option to repopulate the Unit cost to a PO when any changes are made. This looses the original cost if you have a vendor that is constantly changing ...
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    Credit Card Batch Processing

    Develop a process so that multiple credit cards can be charged at one time. A customer of ours process many invoices per day and some of their customers are on prepaid ...
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    credit card number length validation

    Currently credit card number lengths are validated at entry, in either Maintain Customers or at the time of entering a payment. However, the validation is apparently not ...
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    All on the fly step entries or issues without item being on original ...

    In standard MAS 90/200 you are able to issue materials/costs/labor etc. without the material/issue/labor every being on the original work order. In 500, the step first ...
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    Provide exclusions to avoid NEGATIVE average days to pay calculations

    If a customer pays an invoice BEFORE the due date (or uses a credit memo to pay the invoice before the due date), MAS 500 then calculates the average days to pay for the ...
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    Pricing quantity breaks during sales order entry

    Provide an option to display pricing quantity breaks during the sales order entry process. The option should provide for selecting promo quantity breaks only, certain ...
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    Edit Shipments: Sort by Item# for transfer order shipments.

    When a shipment is generated from a transfer order the line item grid sort is random. This makes the update process difficult if you're trying to input from picklist or ...