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    Improve intercompany post comment for AP transactions

    When an AP Voucher is set to post to another company that does not have AP module activated, the resulting Due From posting in the source company only carries a generic ...
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    SMI - Add ability to pull stats and multiple budgets into report

    SMI can only pull in one budget type and can't pull stats into a report, out of the box. This is very limiting for real companies. Not to mention that it's just wrong ...
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    SMI Report Designer - Allow more than 3 group levels on rows

    Companies need the flexibility to group and report data in anyway they want. Limiting the grouping to 3 levels is not enough. Please allow at least 5.
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    When creating an RMA make it possible to search sales orders by PO ...

    It would save so much time when looking up specific items on sales orders for RMA's if you could filter by Cust. PO number. This is particularly beneficial when creating ...
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    Generate Shipments-Ability to set a date other than business date.

    In Generate Shipments screen, add a box for ShipDate that defaults to Bus Date but can be overridden. In Create Picks Options, if Generate Shipments is checked, have the ...
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    In product registration display the error message to check the SQL ...

    Currently a Profiler Trace must be run to see this message. If it were displayed on screen many users could correct the problem immediately. Other useful error messages ...
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    Make search more consistant
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    In BIE, Allow Copy and Paste at the Cell Level

    Currently, when selecting data in any BIE, you are selecting the ENTIRE filtered set or just highlighted row. It is not possible to highlight one cell and copy the ...
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    Detailed Help on Customizer Functions, Attributes and Form Properties

    The included HELP documentation lacks in-depth help on the customizer and it's vb and sql related functions. We need to see a detailed help document with code samples ...
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    Change Default Field Sizes for User Entered Fields

    Currently, The size of the database fields for Name, Address 1 -5, Company Name, Phone Number, email , Short Description, Long Description, Comments are limited in size ...
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    Database Creation Utility

    The DCU by default tries to set the <COMPUTERNME>\Administrator account as the proxy account during the install process. This is problematic on networks were the ...
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    Reprint Invoice, Reprint PO, Do Not Send Emails

    When using the reprint feature for common documents, if a customer is set to have forms emailed to them, the reprint feature will kick these off even if the EMAIL box is ...
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    Update Stock Status to Show BTO Kit Components

    Currently in MAS, when selecting the Preview -> stock status for BTO kits, the list is empty. This should display the QOH of the kit items to easily determine if a kit is ...
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    Sales Order/Quotes Expand BTO kits

    There should be an option to expand BTO kits on the Enter Sales Order and Quotes form. This will make it easier in determining the inventory status of the kit at the time ...
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    Customizer Form Action for Form.Activate Should Work on Cancel

    On any form that has Customizer options to set defaults based on the form.activate needs to be changed so that these actions occur when the Cancel button is pressed and ...
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    When a Drop Ship PO is Cancelled the SO Line Item should Close

    Currently In MAS 7.4.4, when a PO is cancelled for a drop ship order (the item is discontinued, et al), the line items on the sales order are left open . When the PO is ...
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    No Partial Pick List Generated for Customers Tagged as Ship Complete

    Currently, the work flow in MAS doesn't prevent pick lists from being generated for partial shipments on customer classes that are marked as ship complete. While the ...
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    Option to exclude weekends from ship date or define shipping days

    When calculating the ship date on an SO, MAS500 bases this off of the Request Date - Avg Ship Days value for the customer address assigned as the ship to address (except ...
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    Add Tax Exemption Validity/Expiry Date

    Under maintain customer, tax exemption, there needs to be a validity and/or expiry date columns in the grid. Some tax authorities in the USA require the exemptions to be ...
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    Include more options when calculating averages.

    Provide the option to generate AR averages (Past Due, To Pay) using Mean, Median, or Modal averages rather than just mean, as it appears to be in 7.3. This could be a ...