• Votes


    Allow us to add a unit to a lease without having to do an Amend Lease

    Would like the ability to be able to add a unit to a lease via Change Lease. You can add a tenant in Change Lease, but not a unit. Some situations require the ability ...
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    work orders would auto update instead of manually open the work-orders ...

    work orders would auto update instead of manually open the work oders inorder for it to update cost.
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    Quick checks should flag if printing a check that is set as an ...

    If the invoice is set as an electronic payment and you select to print it as a quick check, it does not say anything about it being originally set up as an electronic ...
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    In Cash Management, when splitting the GL Distribution, show the ...

    In CM, when we enter a withdrawal and "Split" the Debit to multiple GL accounts, please show the GL Account description next to the GL Account number. Seeing the ...
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    Allow Workflows to be saved to desktop tab

    Currently, only URL's can be saved to the desktop tabs, like Sage Support and Sage City. Workflows cannot as they don't have URLs. However, when you open a Workflow, it ...
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    Sage Paperless Release Approval Alert from the Invoice Manager

    It looks like there is an easy way to place an invoice on hold or release an invoice on hold in the Invoice Manager. However, it doesn't look like there is a way to add ...
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    Create "Recalculate Work Comp Basis" Tool

    When given rates at a new policy period there are times that the rates may be different when the actual policy is received. There should be a way to update to the ...
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    Pay when paid

    In prior construction ERP software, I had the ability to link payables associated with a job to A/R for that job so that when the bill was paid it scheduled the payable ...
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    Billing module needs to allow almost 100% editing. Seems odd you are ...

    Billings does not allow you to make correction on the fly and the correction you can fix are very few. I don't understand it because we been using Sage for over 20 years ...
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    Commitment Change Order window is too small

    Why can we not maximize the commitment change order window so that we can have a larger view of the entry window??? It makes it difficult to add change orders and to make ...
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    CM register finds oldest check date in lieu of most recent date when ...

    When you click "Find" to quickly locate a check by amount, CM takes you to the oldest date for that amount in lieu of the most recent check. When you are clearing checks ...
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    Sage Paperless-On Hold & Rejected Invoices

    There should be a better and more clear "in your face" way to see invoices that are either on hold or rejected than having to check the invoice manager. How about a ...
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    Late Fee changes for 600+ tenants, Individually

    We have over 600 residential tenants. To comply with the law, we have to change the late fee charges for ALL 600+ tenants, INDIVIDUALLY. Can an enhancement be designed ...
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    store multiple credit cards

    Make it possible to store multiple credit cards for one customer. I have customers who have multiple buyers with their own assigned credit card. Sage only allows storage ...
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    AB - Checkbox for street and remittance address to be the same so it ...

    In address book there should be a checkbox if the Street address is the same as remittance address without having to type it in both places
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    Outstanding Check list

    It would be great to be able to run an outstanding check list in Cash Management for a specific period. For example it is September now but I would like to see all ...
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    Delete unposted batch

    We ran into a problem this morning where our Accounts Payable person accidentally selected the wrong "bank" in our system to print checks. The batch hadn't posted to GL ...
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    AR Customer Totals table - have a total of written off and bad debt ...

    It's great to see who we have billed and paid. But really we need to see who and the total we've written off or put as bad debt. This is true for all your customers, ...
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    Project Management should have tools to import or write into the ...

    Other applications have the ability to import or write into the tables using Office Connector. Project Management should also have this ability to do that so the ...
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    In My Assistant - In the home tab, make a column that has Frequency of ...

    In My Assistant - In the home tab, make a column that has Frequency of Task (Daily, Weekly, Monthly), make another column that has Day of Task, and another column that ...