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    Sort "Matrix Pricing by Customer Price Group" by product price group

    Currently, this screen is sorted by ProdPriceGroupKey i.e. the order that the product price groups were created. It would be more useful to the user to sort it by ...
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    Allow 0 qty on Sales order Entry detail screen

    There are cases when a customer wants to cancel a line of an order but to keep history of the order it is much better to move the qty ordered to 0 then it is to delete ...
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    Ability to search and report on "Vendor Items" not just "Items"

    When utilizing the purchase order and inventory modules one needs to be able to search for the "Vendor Item" to determine if an internal "Item" number has already been ...
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    Add ability to restrict changing of posted invoice due dates

    Currently in v7.30.5, anyone with 'Normal' access to the 'View/Edit Invoices' task is able to change the invoice due date, even for posted invoices. There should be a ...
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    Store tax information by SO and Shipment line not just total ...

    If you are shipping a partial order it is difficult to know what the tax charge will be for that partial shipment. If the tax information was stored by SO line it could ...
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    Copy Sales Order does not Copy Customer PO

    When you use "Copy" feature of Sales Order, even though there is field to enter "Customer PO', original Sales Order Customer PO is copied.
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    # decimals allowed for markup %

    It would be great if there was a way to increase the number of decimals allowed in the markup% field which is used to calculate a customer price based on std cost? I ...
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    Add ability to enter currency on a Requisition in Sage MAS 500

    Currently the requistion does not have the ability to specify a currency. Business Reason: This feature would improve the generate PO from quote process. The PO would ...
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    Add a Bulk Credit Card Pre-Auth task to Sage 500 2013 and up.

    Many customers today do not want to have to pre-authorize a credit card transactions when a sales order is created. In fact they would like the ability to pre-authorize ...
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    Add Cost column and which cost in release drop ship to AR

    In Release Drop Ships to AR Invoicing the cost changes depending on if you have received the Voucher or not prior to this process. If you don't receive the Voucher it ...
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    No Partial Pick List Generated for Customers Tagged as Ship Complete

    Currently, the work flow in MAS doesn't prevent pick lists from being generated for partial shipments on customer classes that are marked as ship complete. While the ...
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    MRP should give an option to exclude SOs from creating demand if ...

    Currently we have a home grown tool that creates proposals, and every week (sometimes more often) before running MRP we have to calculate the demand for each item and ...
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    Add a country of origin field to the item screen.

    Add a country of origin field to the item screen that can be printed on a packing list.
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    Purchase Order recalculating unit price when changes are made

    Provide an option to repopulate the Unit cost to a PO when any changes are made. This looses the original cost if you have a vendor that is constantly changing ...
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    All fields in Shipping frame should belong to the Ship-to Addr in ...

    In Maintain Customer, on the Bill to/Ship to tab, in the Shipping frame, NONE of the information (Ship Via, FOB, Dflt Carrier Acct ...) below the Default Ship-to Address ...
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    Allow from range of vendor price breaks to be entered by user

    Currently we enter the 'to range' quantity for price breaks and MAS creates the next from number but it uses a whole number so if we put in a price from 1 to 10 MAS ...
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    Add a carton field to the item uom.

    Currently the unit if measure setup for an item has a volume field but not a field for length x width x height. The volume isn't specific enough for rating parcel ...
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    Stored Procedure to execute Credit Hold logic on a per-SO basis.

    Maybe this is possible already, but I'd like to be able to execute a stored procedure with a Sales Order Number then have the system do it's magic to determine if the SO ...
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    Expose Sales Order Key and Company ID to tsoPickListHdrWrk

    OrderTranNo already exists, but linking that to tsoSalesOrder is problematic. Ultimately I need Sales Order information on my pick lists, and putting the SOKey (or ...
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    Inventory Transfers & Costs Shown

    When entering inventory transfers the cost show on the entry screen is not always the cost that actually gets processed when posting the batch. During entry processing, ...