• Votes


    Fix Sage Sales Tax interface to send only taxable sales order lines to ...

    Currently when a transaction (sales order, sales invoice) is sent to Avalara the whole transaction is sent and tax is calculated on the whole transaction amount. In some ...
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    Payment Category added to Payment Proposals

    Add an option to payment proposals for "Category" type. A category, can be created in the supplier table. Suppliers can be assigned to categories. If these categories ...
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    Additional Parameter on the RNISQL SQL requester to include/exclude ...

    It is common for organizations that have multiple sites that those sites will buy and sell products between divisions. Oftentimes organizations will model the ...
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    Need ability to process GL allocatations across main/natural account ...

    Ability to allocate across natural accounts, without dimensions. o From natural account to natural account o From natural account to account with dimensions o From ...
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    Fixed asset is too complex in terminology and functionality

    Some have a requirement where they just want to buy and depreciate, simple as that. The solution in V5 works fine and in V6 the features became too complicated. ...
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    Ability to change fiscal year and recalculate account balances

    Often a company will need to change their fiscal year setup after transactions have been posted for that year. A utility is needed to reassign the journal entries and ...
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    Separate A/P and A/R

    I never came across an ERP that combined A/P and A/R. Out of the box they should be separated out on the menu. Functions that are in common like payment proposal need to ...
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    Allow GL budgets by Group of Companies level

    Allow GL budgets to be entered/imported by Group of Companies level. Budgets are being held for the whole group and not by company/site level. We need budgets for the ...
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    Stop wiping out Payment info in main window if you click invoice after ...

    I'm not sure why that if you enter all the payment information and then select the invoice in the left ribbon for checks, for example (it happens for other payment types ...
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    Validated and Not Validated filter on Payment Inquiry (CONSPAY)

    It would be helpful if the CONSPAY inquiry had filters included so that the user could filter upon posted and unposted records. The identification of unposted items is an ...
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    Expense Form Entry (GESEXS) - Ability to do an Accounting Cancellation

    Presently there is no way to reverse a posted expense form, and there is no way to do a "credit memo" to reverse the expense report unless the misc BP is also setup as a ...
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    1099 Reporting for Interest and Dividends

    Presently x3 only supports tax reporting for 1099 of the "Misc" type. I have clients inquiring on expanded reporting ability for Interest and Dividend types.
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    A/R + A/P offset

    We have a customer that we sell to and also purchase back from. We issue sales invoices to the company and they issue invoices payable by our company. Is there any ...
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    Average payment leadtime calculation definition

    In the Statistics box of the Last Operations tabe of th eCustomer situation Inquiry, there is a field called Avg. Payment Leadtime. Its calculation is hard-coded. The ...
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    Support for fund accounting for non-profit organizations and ...

    Suggested during the Influencing the Design session at Sage Summit 2013.
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    Pay-to needs to be changeable in Purchase Invoice just like we can do ...

    The ability to change the pay-to currently exists in the Supplier Invoice after posting, which works great when we switch a vendor to another vendor such as a credit card ...
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    To be able to use negative figues on the line item of Sales Quotes, ...

    To be able to enter negative figures on line items for Sales Quote, Orders and Invoices. For example if the customer is providing customer-owned materials and receives a ...
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    Quick Checks - Ability to invoice/voucher and print check in a single ...

    Ability to invoice/voucher and print check in a single step (one to one) and also like the ability to pay multiple invoices/vouchers per check (one to many) Idea Origin: ...
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    reciprocal accounts as collective

    Reciprocal accounts are used for inter-sites GL entry .Only one BP is availaible if it's collective.We want to this BP different for two entities. It should be the BP ...
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    Add 'Currency' & 'Rate Type' options to the ATB (Aged Trial Balance) ...

    This would make it possible to run a complete ATB report in a desired Currency specifying a Currency Rate Type to be used for the transaction conversion rate. The ...