• Votes


    User Interface: Better Support for Touch Screens

    Better support for applications that utilize touch screens is needed. Currently, limitation within SAFE too lset don't allow a developer to create large buttons and user ...
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    Visual Text Indicators

    Sage ERP X3 provides a lot of text options header, footer, line, etc. It provides an indicator when there is text associated at the document level. However, a lot of ...
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    Display which license badge is in use

    In V7/8 it's possible to have access to multiple badges, and if one is not available then a different one may be used, but you never know which your session is actually ...
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    Select dates by calendar or shortcuts

    Be able to enter a date in a field using a pick a date calendar. And give the ability to use shortcuts like +5 for todays date plus 5.
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    s-grid-title-cell bring back the border 1px solid

    On the new patches After P32, every title cell on the grid lacks the proper column dividers (not visible), it makes it difficult to identify the columns for resizing or ...
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    Visual Processes - New criteria to link an object.

    When we create a link to an object, it would be nice if we could send a memo code instead of the key of a specific record. Thereby the visual processes could include some ...
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    User memo copied to selected users

    In some cases, you don't have the option to create a memo as "Global", but would be useful to get this across to other users. Can there be some way of copying this across ...
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    Save and allocate sales order lines asynchronously

    In Sage 500, sales order lines can be allocated as soon as the line is added, without leaving the grid to save the entire thing. X3 7 requires me to hit Save or tap ...
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    Setup entry/Transaction Management - Full control of UI

    Have full access to all non-mandatory/defaulted fields during the configuration of screen entry transactions. This should be extended so that it also includes arrays ...
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    RSS-CB format and Interactive portal

    RSS-CB format is currently not managed in the interactive portal, it would be good to include it in a future Safe X3 Client, since it's being used in some websites and ...
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    Allow users the ability to kill loading screens

    Give the users the ability to cancel or stop a loading screen, killing the user process behind the scenes too.
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    Tie transaction/entry screen code to screen field in screen dictionary

    Add column in screen dictionary for transaction code screen. If blank always display of set display field only when user is using the relative transaction/entry screen.
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    Focus is placed on first field on screen after save

    When a user makes a change and clicks save, the screen refreshed and the focus is placed in the first field at the top of the screen - the user loses track of where they ...
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    Allow user to add and define folder and put favorites in folders

    Allow users to add folders and add favorites to those folders
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    Allow admin user ability to change product categories flags

    Instead of requiring use to update the database with dev tool allow Admin user to change flags on records like product categories always.
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    Display workflow usernames

    The signature functions only display user codes which is meaningless to most users. Please update the standard script to display the names for readability.
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    Adding Business Partner Name to Objects that reference ...

    Most of the left list objects in x3 contain only the BP identification number and not the BP name. Invariably on most implementations we always go into the object ...
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    Make it possible to desable the "Do not ask for these parameters ...

    Some companies do want their users to always enter their credentials when they connect to the X3 appliation. Currently, it doesn't seem to exist any way to prevent them ...
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    When Press Enter in Table Grid, Take to First Editable Column In New ...

    When editing in a UI table control, such as the sales order lines, if you press the enter key, X3 will create a new line. However, you then have to use the arrow keys or ...
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    Sage Customer Portal - Case History

    Have separate grids for Closed tickets.