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    Earned Sick Time Massachusetts

    The law passed last year dealing with the Earned Sick Time in Massachusetts. This is to be starting in July 2015. Will there be an update to track and calculate employee ...
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    Overtime Calculation

    Right now in Sage 300 CRE overtime is calculated as to how and when you enter it into the system. It should be based on your work week. Our work weeks starts on Monday ...
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    Ability to duplicate the forms in the HR Forms library for company ...

    Be able to use the templates as a basis for creating user/company specific forms for multiple HR/Payroll use without saving over the template.
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    Vacation/paid time off accrual tracking and reconciliation

    The system needs to have the ability to have a rate table by date in the employee setup so that pay increases can be used to calculate vacation/paid time off accrual ...
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    URGENT! For CA sick pay tracking, give the ability to add formula for ...

    Due to the new CA law we have to add the sick pay balance of hours to our check stubs. We have over 30 pay ids that could be used, therefore we have these automatically ...
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    Aatrix Form 720 Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return

    Customer is asking to have Aatrix have Form 720 Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return to be available in Payroll
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    Payroll - Change Posted Time - The need to be able to correct a Job # ...

    see "Summary"
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    When interfacing from PR To JC, and sending all detail, please send ...

    We need Report Designer to do a lookup from a JCT record back to the PR Time record to pull the Date and the Description fileds. This would be possible if you included ...
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    In Payroll, let us Change a period end date on Posted Payroll Checks

    We didn't catch that the Period End date was incorrect until after we printed & posted the Payroll checks. When we go into Tools - Modify Period End Date, and ask ...
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    Allow Transaction rollback on the Generate Accruals task in Payroll

    Currently there are two processes protected by Transaction Rollback in Payroll, Modify Period End Date and Post Checks. Since the Generate Accruals task also sends ...
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    PR - allow formulas on all pay types (not just regular or OT types)

    It says formulas are only allowed on a pay id if it is a regular or overtime pay id. We have reimbursement type pays that we'd like to add a formula to!!
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    PR - Update your canned EEO-1 report

    The canned report doesn't include all of the options available in the drop down list and doesn't list them in the way the reporting requires.
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    PR - make possible to make reimbursements taxable above IRS determined ...

    Make the Reimbursement pay type have the ability to indicate if it is for Lodging, Meals & Incidentals or just Meals & Incidentals and it could tax it appropriately.
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    Ohio Prevailing Wage Report for employees

    Required by State of Ohio, Department of Commerce, http://www.com.ohio.gov/dico/, page 3. "Before employees start work on the project, supply them with written ...
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    Add State Reconciliation reports ability to add to My tasks.

    The ability to modify the Quarterly forms, or run the Quarterly forms from the My Tasks menu on the Desktop is missing.
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    Payroll - Allow Sorting in Change Unposted Time Window

    Daily time entries are currently in order by when they were entered in the system. I would like to see a feature where you are able to sort the data by either the ...
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    Enable Custom Sort field assigned to the Payroll check to be printed ...

    The Custom Sort field determines where the physical check is to be distributed. When over 800 checks are printed, having the Custom sort field printed on the check stub ...
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    In Payroll, add the cost code field to the Pay setup

    A contractor would like different cost codes for different pays, i.e. Salary, per diem, Phone reimbursement. If these are auto pays, you have to go edit the time after ...
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    In PR have check stub not include accruals in totals

    The PTO balance and sick leave balance of hours are included in the $ total on the check stubs because we have to use the custom earnings list to get them to show. It ...
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    Employee termination date

    during the time entry, when we enter the employee that has already been terminated, we dont know when the person is terminated or if it is a recent one, whether a check ...