• Votes


    work comp - the ability to change the WC code without having to void a ...

    We have the ability to change the Job number, and hours, so why can we change the WC code without having to void the checks. It would be great if the same options could ...
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    Data File Encryption for Payroll Files

    We would like the option to be able to encrypt the Payroll data files as well as payroll backups for security against ransomware attacks.
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    Affordable Care Act Compliance Printable option

    The tool under Task Affordable Care Act Compliance we need an option to print the report out with counts and calculations. instead of Screen Capture.
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    In Payroll, let me move checks based on the Employee's last check date

    When moving checks, allow us to add a condition and Index into the Employee Record tso we can condition off of the employee's last check date.
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    termination reason list EDIT

    The termination list recently added does not allow for custom reasons/ reasons that don't fall into the scope of the reasons added on the default list. Where is the ...
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    Option to Automate Payroll Date funds available

    For standard payroll Employees are paid on a set date for there previous weeks works, our is the Friday so when we go to generate a direct deposit or process cheques it ...
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    Provide a report of something in Aartix for the new tax credits for ...

    With the new Cobra subsidy we will be getting credit on our quartely taxes form 941, will there be a something within Sage Aatrix to allow us to do this?
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    metro personal income tax oregon

    Automatically setup the new Personal Income Tax for Metro in Portland Oregon 1% on taxable income above $125,000 for individuals and above $200,000 filing jointly. So ...
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    Make Aatrix available through Information Assistant

    Make it possible to file PR taxes in Aatrix through Information Assistant
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    NACHA File Format Code - Need to Change from 1

    I need to be able to change the file code on the NACHA file format to "2" instead of "1" so the import works properly with my bank (American National). Currently this ...
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    add box on Employee Set up payroll screen to show the last Job number ...

    In SAGE 300 CRE Payroll Mod. Employee Setup screen under the Box Field "Last Check Amount" add another box below that shows the last Job Number the employee worked on. ...
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    update certified pay rate table

    It would be very helpful to have a location to update certified payrate tables without having to update each line on each job.
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    Through Aatrix on the PA-LLC25 Certified Payroll report, we NEED to be ...

    Both Contractor & Subcontractor fields need to be filled out in order to submit electronically. We are unable to do that. Please Fix!
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    Modify ACA Coverage Report to include self insurance checkbox

    Please show whether or not the self insurance checkbox is checked for an employee on the ACA Employee Coverage Report. It only needs to print once per employee.
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    Court Ordered Payroll Withholding on Employees That Must Be Repeatedly ...

    Any employer that is required to withhold money from an employee's paycheck per court order and forward the money to the court repetitively could save time (would not ...
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    In PR have check stub not include reimbursements in totals

    We don't want reimbursement pays to be included in total pay on the check stub.
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    In Payroll Time Entry, show the project manager's name as well as the ...

    Sometimes during payroll time entry, we have accuracy questions that need to be directed to the PM. It would be much quicker if the PM's name was listed at the bottom of ...
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    Payroll Module should allow you to void a series of checks

    Re: Sage 300CRE - Payroll Module Recommendation to have the option to void one payroll check or a series of checks.
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    Payroll issue processing txt file

    Re: Sage 300CRE - Payroll Module We had an issue processing payroll for all employees due to a new employee's bank information missing resulting in our txt file not ...
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    Let user determine which payroll deductions show on paystubs

    When following the resoluion portion of Solution ID: 96543 "How do I add my HSA (Health Savings Account) Fringe to my HSA direct deposit?", three employee deductions are ...