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    Provide a warning if you are about to change the status of an item ...

    We should not be allowed to change an item from active status in Maintain Items if that item has an active routing or is used in an active routing.
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    Fix progress reversal for FIFO layering

    If there is an existing layer of a FIFO item and you progress a new layer and then reverse that entry the cost of the existing layer will be reversed instead of the cost ...
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    Allow update capability for 'Approve by Date' fields in MF Approvals ...

    The dates are initially assigned by calculating forward from the system date using the value of the 'Days to Approve' entries in 'Set Up Approval Types', at the time an ...
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    Delete multiple lines at once from work orders

    When we have a deviation to do to a work order routing, it would be helpful if we could select multiple lines at once for deletion vs. having to do it one at a time.
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    Planned WO should have the customer SHIP date as the due date not the ...

    Planned WO generated from MRP have a default finish date of the customers DOCK date! Planning and Scheduling would benefit greatly from the default finish date being the ...
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    Add "Change order" for Bill of Material changes

    Just like the Purchase Order module has a Change Order feature that allows you to track changes made to a PO, I would like to see a Routing/Bill of Material Change Order ...