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    Add Project Accounting related data to the Copy Purchase Order feature

    Currently use of the Copy Purchase Order task does not include Project Accounting data. Project related information on both the Line Defaults and Lines tabs must be ...
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    All fields in Shipping frame should belong to the Ship-to Addr in ...

    In Maintain Customer, on the Bill to/Ship to tab, in the Shipping frame, NONE of the information (Ship Via, FOB, Dflt Carrier Acct ...) below the Default Ship-to Address ...
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    Non-Inventory Items should work in pricing the same as inventory items

    Non-Inventory Items should work in pricing the same as inventory items using a default warehouse for the company. It is critical that we have contract pricing and ...
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    Defualt Carrier Acct, Bill Method, & Freight Method onto new customer ...

    Anyone using the Carrier Account No, Carrier Bill Method, and Freight Method fields, primarily Starship users, would want this functionality. It reduces the possibility ...
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    Add the ability in MAS 500 to make global updates to customer and ...

    Who would want this? Any Sage customer that uses MAS products to do their finances. Why it's valuable and How would it be used? We have 100's of vendors in our ...
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    Add _AppAudit trigger to timItemUnitOfMeas

    The timItemUnitOfMeas table is missing the _AppAudit trigger and therefore does not track any chages to the data in the tciMaintAuditLog table. This prevents inspection ...
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    v7.4 All the explorer has copying and paste problems on date format ...

    These problems are happened after upgrade to V7.4: 1. Can not use Ctl-A and Ctl-C to make copying directly, only can use right click the mouse to make the selection from ...
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    Credit Card Batch Processing

    Develop a process so that multiple credit cards can be charged at one time. A customer of ours process many invoices per day and some of their customers are on prepaid ...
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    PickingComplete Flag incorrectly set to No

    The PickingComplete flag in tsoShipLine needs to be manually set to Yes (1) when creating a pick sporadically. Would like to see this stop happening or a menu item to ...
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    Allow intercompany Project Accounting transactions in AP

    There are times when one project in a company is utilized by another company in MAS 500. A nice enhancement to MAS 500 would allow the use of another company's project ...
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    Allow entry in "maintain vendor items" for all item types

    Currently you can only add vendor price breaks for item type "finished goods" or "raw material". We buy plenty of re-occurring non-inventory items with item type "misc" ...
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    Would like a way to disable the warning for a duplicate PO Number on a ...

    For some customers we "reuse" the same customer PO... (ie: PO JOHN). Therefore, we would like an option to be able to disable the warning.
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    Add the ability to restrict the SMI Report Viewer to only show the ...

    Currently the SMI Report Viewer shows ALL reports that are marked to 'Include in menu'. This includes multiple versions of reports i.e. all Financial reports are copied ...
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    Allow negative line amounts for Project Accounting estimates in MAS ...

    Currently, the Project Accounting module does not have the ability to create a negative line amounts when producing an estimate. The ability is allowed in the ...
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    Method to "Auto Run" Demand and Calculate Replen Parameters

    Need to be able to calculate demand and replenishment Parameters at night. It takes 3 hours for the entire process to run and it is too time consuming. Would like to be ...
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    Add ability to reprint Settlement Report after posting AP-AR Invoice ...

    Add ability to re-print settlements so users can go back to see the settlement details for each vendor and customer settlement batch. Once the register is posted, there ...
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    Add ability to enter negative cash receipts for credit card refunds.

    The current process to enter a refund in MAS 500 in time consuming. Easiest fix would be to add the ability for a negative cash receipt like we had in MAS 90.
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    Cash receipts show advise if a customer making a payment is on hold

    Many times the person posting the payments is not the person who put the customer on hold. Therefore the customer pays their account and does not get released from hold ...
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    Link Vendor Drop Ship Return to PO

    When a Drop Ship item is returned you should be able to link the Debit Memo in Enter Receipt of Invoices to the original PO.
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    Increase the size of the City fields to 50

    Some city and state combination of United states does not fit into City [Varchar(20)] of tciAddress table. Here are few Examples City State Hot Springs National Park ...