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    OnKeyPress event in screen actions

    As a developer, i miss this kind of events. The onkeypress event occurs when a keyboard key is pressed or held down. It would be like a pre-event action "Control". We ...
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    Provide ability to retain screen changes without activity codes

    It would be nice if there was a way to adjust the transaction screens and field order (i.e. Sales order grid, work order grid) without having to put your activity code on ...
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    EXCEL export

    Export should go directly to EXCEL while creating an EXCEL application object and then populating line by line. The existing solution aloows the export to sa csv file, ...
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    Exporting to Excel will convert to a Comma Separated file if the ...

    When exporting to Excel from a requester, or other location, if the quantity of data exceeds a certain size then X3 will choose to export to a Comma Separated File ...
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    Keep up with Crystal reports versions

    It would be helpful if the current version of Crystal reports (2011) was compatible with X3 v6.4. CR 2011 has been out for some time, and is fully compatible with Windows ...
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    "No more memory"

    The error message "No more memory" is a generic message that pops up in many situations. Sometimes it can be true, there is no more memory. Other times, it can be for ...
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    Security: Ease of Setup

    X3 allow for the definition of trade profiles. This is an entity that allows you to create groups of users and apply similar security setup to the group (ex: customer ...
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    Web Client: Support of non-IE browswers

    The web client requires that we use IE as our browser. It is not the preferred browser for many of our users. It needs to support the other popular browsers (ex: ...
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    Web Client: Support of CITRIX with the web client

    The web client cannot be used effectively with CITRIX. Compatibility of these tools is required. Idea Origin: Sage Summit - C-0179 Influencing the Design session
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    Web Service Generation

    The ability to generate a web service for all X3 objects. Today there are many that are not supported. Idea Origin: Sage Summit - C-0179 Influencing the Design session
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    Request Management: Performance

    Performance improvements to the function are needed. It takes a very long time to load when first accessed. Idea Origin: Sage Summit - C-0179 Influencing the Design ...
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    Log Files: Viewing and Searching

    Sage ERP X3 can produce a lot of log files. The existing utility for viewing and reading these logs needs to be enhanced. You should be able to search by module, ...
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    SAFE and Mobility

    The SAFE environment needs to be enhanced to better support today's mobile devices (smart phones, tablets, etc.). Additionally, the technology to interact with these ...
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    Source Code Access

    Many partners and customers would like to have source code access. This access could be read only but it would give them an additional tool to understand behavior and ...
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    SQL Requestors - Multi-level feature missing

    The SQL requestors do not allow you to define multi-level inquiries and drill up/down within them. The characters based and graphical one do provide this feature. The ...
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    Benchmark Data

    Benchmark data is required when sizing hardware for a prospect or a customer. Additionally, details on the benchmark providing information on what it was measuring and ...
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    Configuration procedure if computer name/domain change is required

    Hi, there have been multiple customers who has asked for a configuration procedure if computer name/domain change is required. We have been told by the Sage support that ...