• Votes


    Allow deletion of single commitment line items and renumber remaining ...

    Allow deletion of single commitment line items and renumber remaining items
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    Give the option of a monthly calendar for the DBoard

    We would like to navigate through the DBoard without having to open a new tab for each day. A calendar to the left of the DBoard would be nice. If we could click on the ...
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    Allow a change request to be moved to a different job

    A change request may be created in project management which later a GC tells us the change request needs to be on a new job, the only option is to deny the change request ...
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    make it so WC field in employee master is a drop down list linked to ...

    make it so WC field in employee master is a drop down list linked to WC fringe table
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    Small jobs - Sales tax billing

    In some states material is taxable (not labor) it would be nice if the system would allow a tax calculation on the material sale amount but on the labor.
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    CM delete transactions needs to show reversing entries in CM ...

    When deleting a CM transaction in 'Edit Register', the original entry and the reversing entry are removed from the system. For accounting purposes and to be consistant ...
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    Clickable reports and drill down reports

    Especially in General Ledger but in all reports, it would be greatly appreciated to be able to click and drill down in reports to get to the entry.
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    Inquiry to Excel needs a file path

    This idea was submitted, voted on and marked complete but several people asked that there be a place where we can specify the file location so these don't default to the ...
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    Allow the user to set whether to use CCD or PPD so that we do not need ...

    Currently the ACH file only generates with a code of PPD which is the code for a personal checking account. We use BMO Harris and they will reject an ACH file for using ...
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    Timberline needs to work with higher resolution screens. It is ...

    Timberline needs to work with higher resolution screens. It is horrible on our nice new 24in 4K screens
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    Lock down the ability to add a cost code on the fly in PJ change ...

    Lock down the ability to add a cost code on the fly in PJ change management. I believe PM's should not have the ability to add cost codes to a project. In Change ...
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    Show notes in Timberline on AP items

    Is it possible to show notes attached to an invoice, or at least make it known that there are notes attached to the invoice. In Timberscan when notes are attached, they ...
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    Add "on hold" to the status options for a job status in JC

    Currently we have available "unstarted", "in progress" and "closed". This would create a 4th option for an "on hold" status.
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    In change General Ledger Entries, it would be helpful to search by ...

    If you need to make a change to a general ledger entry and need to search for the entry in the system, it would be easier to find if the search capabilities included ...
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    open printouts from background task

    There should be a link to be able to open the printout directly from the Background Tasks window
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    Have a feature that would auto signoff users after say 20 minutes on ...

    This will allow for better use of existing licenses. I have Project Managers in and out of the office all day. If one leaves and is still signed into the system with the ...
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    FS: should not have to redesign financial statements (or create ...

    If your financials include prior year balances, as soon as you close the yearend the numbers can no longer be read. It's January 2015 and we just closed 2014 but now I ...
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    Delete Change Order in Contracts

    In contracts, once a Change Order has been committed, there is no way to delete it other than to create a reversal change order which screws up the change order ...
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    Small jobs - need to be able to provide a detail invoice with parts ...

    Some clients want a one line invoice and other want more detail on the invoice from service management ie - labor and material
  • Votes


    In Job Central we only see a limited # of fields that are available on ...

    In Job Central we can set up Project Manager but not the other Job Contacts. Please allow us to control which JC Job Setup fields we can enter in Job Central