• Votes


    Update Crystal Reports Formats to Properly Print to Excel

    Sage ERP X3 V7 Allows you to create a Destination with an Export format of Excel 97-2000. Any Crystal report with a "Vector" to shade headers, for example, and where the ...
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    Payment Inquiry

    Our clients are looking for ability to get into payment inquiry from Supplier task.
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    Add to reports a parameter to be able to enter a list instead of a ...

    ex. enter a number of products, sites or invoices. Then the report would include only those in the list.
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    Default US address format into forms

    Forms print address in Non-NA standard format Steps to duplicate: 1. Print the following forms using the standard form: Sales Invoice, a Purchase Order, a Sales Picking ...
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    In Report Dictionary, add fields that show the last date a report was ...

    It would be nice to know what custom reports can be eliminated because they are no longer used.
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    Printing All Records from Inquiry Menus

    When performing a print operation from an inquiry menu (ex: CONSBAL), when the user prints the records they will only be returned the returns that are currently rendered ...
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    Copying Existing Default Values (GESARV)

    Currently when establishing default values (GESARV) for a crystal report it is necessary to manually set them all. It would be nice if you could copy an existing set of ...
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    Using workflows for business form distribution "In Batch"

    The x3 workflows (GESAWA) are very useful for distributing business forms that are developed in Crystal Reports when the user is invoking a print on a one off basis. An ...
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    Selection Screens should use the formulas

    The Shipment Selection screen has a place to enter a formula for selection. It would be useful to have that same ability in all screens.
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    Printing from Portal View

    Could a print option be added to the portal views (GESAPV) so that they user could print the info being presented on the screen?
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    Sage Intelligence X3 - Add quantities to the data available on GL ...

    Users need to report on quantities as well as actual/budget amounts that have been entered.
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    Translate parameters in Crystal Reports

    When customizing reports in Crystal I find that the parameters are in French so I cannot preview the report in Crystal. It is necessary for me to leave Crystal, open ...
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    Note Categories - Flag to get the note to print on the associated ...

    A great addition to the note category function would be an additional parameter which the user could set to get the note to appear on the associated business form. ...
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    Sage Intelligence Financial Reporting capabilities are very limited ...

    Sage Intelligence Financial Reporting capabilities are very limited without the Report Designer Add-In. RDAI is desperately needed. We hav e had to turn customers to ...
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    Limitation of the requesters data sets displayed on dashboard reached

    Hello, We have a customer in V6P19 that reaches the limitaton of the data sets displayed on the dashboard from requesters. They have many requesters in this situation ...
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    Add Selection and Tunnel options for Work order range and Project ...

    There is no otion to do a Selection or Tunnel for the Work order range and Project range parameters on the FICHTEC report. 1. Go to Reports > Reports 2. Select the ...
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    Variance % Parameter on NA-WIPVAL and XBWIPVAL reports

    A common recommendation I have for clients is that they should review the closed work orders on the WIP valuation reports before they perform the WIP finalization. This ...
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    Company consolidations when implemented in multiple folders

    Need a way for multiple connections to be available to report on companies where the implementation has been one company/folder. Current SI formula/functions allow for ...
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    Request options be added to X3 to use SQL Server Reporting Services ...

    Since X3 runs on SQL Server, it would be a nice enhancement to add the option of using SQL Server Reporting Services for reporting in addition to Crystal Reports for ...
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    Reports - Utilize Parameters

    Include the ability to use more parameters on reports to determine where they provide information, like inquiries