• Votes


    Have Print and Update messages different enough to catch the eye when ...

    There are so many messages re do you want to print, do you want to update… it would be great if they were different enough to catch the eye when reading quickly – like ...
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    Overall appearance?

    could you improve the overall appearance of MAS-90? Looks like I should be pressing Shift+F7 to print.
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    Design the software so a user does not have to be a power user to use ...

    Currently a user must be a power user to enable printing and paperless office functionality. Would like to restrict the user permissions.
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    Setup advanced lookup engine (ALE) to default to the last lookup used.

    When a user has multiple lookups defined, the default is used every time the icon is selected. Would like the ability to default to the last lookup used so that you ...
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    Customize Information Center Screen

    Make the Information Center a HOMEPAGE that is customized by the admin. Information Center Page becomes a "Custom" bulletin Board, News page etc...for the company. ...
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    This new suggestion box and enhancement request process is great. ...

    Many users bookmarked the previous methods. This collaborative method is superior. Please encourage it by linking the following to the new site: Ideascope: ...
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    Update seach query in EBM to match .order and/or .store category type ...

    Currently when a search is made within an EBM website, the search results are displayed regardless of how the item is categorized as .order or .store. In other words ...
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    Paperless Office E-mail Log

    Many users really like the e-mailing capabilities of Paperless Office. But the one constant that I hear from everyone is the lack of e-mail log to track when and to who ...
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    Create Utility that will update ALL udf/udt fields globally at the ...

    Create Utility that will update ALL udf/udt fields globally at the same time. Currently, when installing an update (e.g. v4.4), the UDF's must be updated one table at a ...
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    A/R aged invoice report the aged date in the system should be the ...

    A/R aged invoice report the aged date in the systemn should be the current date instead of the preset date
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    Increase efficiency in issue refund check to customers

    Make it more user friendly and faster to issue refund checks to customers. The current method of doing the AP to AR clearing and then creating a check that doesn't print ...
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    UDF Validation by Standard MAS tables in addtion to UDT's

    The scripts provide by Steve Malmgren are GREAT as are the accompanying scripts in the Custom Office export provided in the Partner File center. Unfortunately, these ...
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    Ability to disable the fax cover page when faxing forms or reports in ...

    Ability to disable the fax cover page when faxing forms or reports in Paperless Office
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    Add more flexibility to Sales Promotion Maintenance.

    Allow user to specify a saels promotion and search criteria to get a group of items. Then have a check box type function to select which items on the list should be ...
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    In custom office, add ability to export multiple customized versions ...

    Add ability to export multiple customized versions of the same form or report when using customizer export wizard
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    Allow a blanket discount to be entered and adjust cost of individual ...

    Enter a po with list costs. Then enter a blanket discount percent and have it adjust the individual line items so the cost received will be the discounted cost. Allows ...
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    Allow any master record to be changed to an inactive status to ...

    Allow any master record to be changed to an inactive status to eliminate from lookups and prevent posting
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    Provide drilldown capabilities on all reports

    Provide drilldown capabilities on all reports
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    Bring back PDF versions of user manuals, not just HELP screens, but ...

    Bring back PDF versions of user manuals, not just HELP screens, but actual in-depth manuals (like 3.71) that someone could read and understand how the software operates.
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    Provide option for real-time updating of transactions, coupled with ...

    Provide option for real-time updating of transactions, coupled with easy recall and editing of posted transactions, with appropriate audit trails.