• Votes


    Add the IM_LotSerialOrderWork.M4T table to Custom Office

    Would like to add Lot/Serial UDF to work table, in order to add UDF to the Lot/Serial Order Detail screen. This screen is accessible from Item Maintenance/Inquiry and ...
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    Show phase # in 3-5 Tab A/R invoices

    When a job has many phases it would be nice to see what phases have been billed by clicking this tab.
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    Enable multiple invoice selection in batch transfer tool

    In AP Invoice Data Entry you can only transfer one invoice at a time, and the prev/next buttons do not behave in a way conducive to selecting multiple invoices. Could ...
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    Allow drag and drop to attach memos

    The ability to drag and drop all different attachments into memos. This would give the option of adding emails and other files with ease. (ex: adding email conversations ...
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    Vendor Maintenance account number field

    Many of our vendors have issued us an account number, but there's no dedicated field in Vendor Maintenance to enter that, or other pertinent information, so it often ends ...
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    Add an option for Task Scheduler auto-posting (All) to include / ...

    Auto-posting All batches is a very useful feature, yet occasionally there may be batches that the user does not want to auto-post (for various reasons). Currently the ...
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    AR comments not flowing into the general ledger

    AR comments not flowing into the general ledger. These are comments that have been added in the invoice data entry and when you add comments in the deposits. All ...
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    Ship Directly from Sage 100

    It seems that Sage 100 already has the capability to print shipping labels directly. Is it possible to be able to ship directly from Sage 100. If it is possible to ...
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    enable multiple mpns to be listed under one item#

    Right now we're limited to one mpn and mfr per item under the additional tab in Item Maintenance, while we are usually able to choose from multiple mpn's on the customer ...
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    Make VI Log files readable

    Make VI Log files readable without using the Activity Log Report, such as .log or .txt, instead of M4T This way a notification could be sent when there are failed ...
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    After saving Invoices to Pay in 4-3-1, close that window.

    After saving Invoices to Pay in 4-3-1, revert back to either the previous screen "Invoice Selection' or the home screen. Don't just stay on that blank page that you have ...
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    When running an inquiry and a filter is applied, it would be great if ...

    Custom inquiry list disappears after one selection.
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    Default warehouse for an item should be where it automatically is ...

    We have multiple warehouses, specifically one for our regular inventory items and one for special orders. We set those default warehouses on the individual items. Why, ...
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    Purchasing Receipt-Add Field for Packing slip number

    Add a packing slip number field in Receipts
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    Vendor & Customer Maintenance-Add standard field for EIN # and Account ...

    A standard field for: EIN # (for non-1099 vendors) that is visible only to selected groups. Account number field. I currently created a UDF yet these are standard fields ...
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    Keep Journal print windows open after preview

    When I open journal print windows, I often preview them to make sure the information is correct; for Finance Charge Journal, I have to adjust it for months over 30 days ...
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    Inventory Costing Tier detail for all tranactions

    When using FIFO and inventory transactions that use multiple FIFO tiers seem to come up with their own unit cost. For example: I have a tier with a qty of 10 at $5 ...
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    Bring back the "Shift" key functionality to choosing groups of ...

    Why was this ever removed? If you don't like the functionality of the "Shift" key, just don't use the "Shift" key. Problem solved. I have several divisions within the ...
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    Change $ extension on Master Orders to reflect Unit Price x Quantity ...

    When printing reports, standard orders off of the master orders reflect a total dollar of the release. The master order should then reflect the remaining dollar amount ...
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    Show the date of receipt of line items received within actual PO

    Show the date of receipt of line items received within actual PO