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    Accounts Payable Invoice Payment Selection-MODIFY PROCEED BUTTON.

    The Proceed button is very deceiving if you are not selecting by ALL included in a due date. When you complete individual invoice selections the natural human reaction is ...
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    Set a default sort option in Check Deposit & Adjustment Entry

    Please add the ability to set a default column sort by bank code in Check Deposit & Adjustment Entry window. Since many of vendors are setup for auto pay, we posts ...
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    ACH File LIsting Report - Option to not print it

    Please add the ability to choose whether to print the ACH File Listing report when generating an ACH file. This report serves no purpose for us, and I'm sure many ...
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    GL Reversing Entry

    Existing function assigns Next General Journal Entry #. The reversing GJE# should assign the same Entry/Register/Journal number and Posting Date of the original entry.
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    Add Default G/L comments for Expense Distribution Table

    Add a comments line for expense distribution tables for standard comments. Many monthly invoices need the same G/L comment listed. The only part of the comment that may ...
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    Cash Discounts and Off-Invoice Discounts

    There should be separate GL Accounts for these, instead of just the one setup in AR Division Mainatenance
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    When reversing a check can the reversal of check change the check date ...

    When reversing a check that was issued in December 2022 in February 2023, it would be nice to if the check date of the reversal entry (negative check amount) corresponds ...
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    Check Number Validations - Reports Hanging

    Hello! We have a problem with reports hanging due to the system working to validate every check number issued (or not issued) for that bank account. We have one bank ...
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    AP NOF Check Reversal where Open Invoices no longer exist causing out ...

    Client generates large volume of refund AP checks and some of them are never cashed. When trying to clean up the uncashed checks and the invoices are beyond the 'days to ...
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    Show - Total of Cleared Transactions in Reconcile Bank for the Bank ...

    It would be nice to have the Total of Cleared Transactions in Reconcile Bank for the Bank Rec module. This would make bank reconciliation easier so that you can compare ...
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    AP Terms Discount - Calculate without Vendor Shipping/Freight Included

    Vendor payment terms offer a discount if paid early. The discount is based off of the invoice amount, less their shipping/freight cost. Sage calculates the discount based ...
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    print financial statements to one pdf

    It would save a lot of time, if there was an options to print all selected financial statements to one pdf, instead of doing one at a time
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    Add an option to change the Pre-Note process to Penny Test processing

    Using Penny Tests instead of Pre-Notes is a more secure process to verify vendor bank accounts. In addition to verifying the bank account, it confirms with the vendor ...
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    Recreate check batch upon check reversal

    The check run reversal function is very helpful. Unfortunately, when the run is reverses, it is not “saved” as checks to be printed. You have to go back in and redo it ...
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    Search/Find field in 11-1-5 Report 03-Service Aged Call Sheet

    It would be helpful to all of us working on AR to have a search/find key in the CS Service Ageing Report (11-1-5-03) under the File tab. This would allow us to easily ...
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    Tie General and Reoccurring Journal Entries to Bank Reconciliation for ...

    At the GL account maintenance level, there should be a field prompting if this account is a bank account to tie to bank reconciliation. This field should only prompt and ...
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    Add 'Copy From' button for A/P Invoice Data Entry

    Allow the Copy From feature to work in A/P to speed up invoice data entry on an invoice that is received each month. Recurring Invoice Entry doesn't allow the vendor's ...
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    Batch Processing for Check Printing

    Companies with multiple divisions, currently have to wait until one division's checks are printed and updated until the next group can be processed.
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    Positive Pay Export - multiple detail lines

    Need an option in Positive Pay Export to have at least two detail lines. There are options for multiple header and trailer records, but only one detail line. Union ...
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    Financial Trend Report

    The Financial Statement Trend Report should have an option to include GL account numbers