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    Time off roll over based on eligibility date

    Utility to check employee's eligibility date and automatically advance employee to next time off tier. Needs to be able to be run before each payroll.
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    Employee Maintenance, Taxes Tab - allow deletion of unused Tax Groups

    When a client has a default Tax Profile, it creates the appropriate tax groups for that Tax Profile however when they change the Tax Profile on a new employee, the old ...
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    Allow a space between Tax ID and PPDPayroll date in ACH file

    Our bank requires a space between the company Tax ID and the PPDPayroll date but there is not currently a way to do this without manually editing the file after. ...
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    Pennsylvania Local Services Tax

    PA Local Services Tax currently posts to GL in summary form, making it impossible to research withholding by employee, by paycheck in GL postings. It would be very ...
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    Add Tab Definitions to Payroll data entry Lines Grid

    In previous versions of Sage's Payroll (Lines tab) the data entry was above of the grid and you had options to set tab definitions. Now you have no tab definitions ...
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    Have a payroll report that shows each employee's taxable gross pay

    We need a report that shows only the gross pay that is taxable. Most of the Payroll reports show all of their earnings in their gross pay. We give employee's ...
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    Payroll Employee Maintenance - Time Track - Add list of valid Cost ...

    Payroll > Employee Maintenance > More > Time Track - We like the default Cost Code but want to have a valid list of Cost Codes that apply to each employee. Possilby use ...
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    Time Track - Add comment field to Time Track Entry and also to Punch ...

    Add Comment field to Punch In/Out entry in bottom section and also show it in the upper display. Comment then should automatically appear in the Time Track Entry or can ...
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    Time Track - Add option to enter minutes as 100 units per hour

    When using Military hours, it is easier to enter minutes as 100 units per hour.
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    In Sage 100 2020. The system calculates the employer State ...

    The current system calculates the state unemployment tax for each employee during payroll processing. This calculated liability amount is entered into the the ...
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    deduction priority

    Create an ability to set a deduction priority so that if employees don't earn their normal wages and so don't make enough for all deductions to withhold (a negative ...
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    Payroll data entry audit report with summary of department posted-to ...

    Currently in Sage 100 payroll 2.20.1 the payroll data entry audit report shows a 'summary by department' but it's a summary of payroll totals for the employees default ...
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    Payroll Check Printing by Sort Field

    Need more options to print payroll checks. My client needs it printing by Sort Field but others want by Last name then First name. My client does not use departments but ...
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    Add Workers Compensation Code Lookup from Job Maintenance Cost Codes

    In legacy and the new Business Framework, entering a Workers compensation Code that is setup in Payroll Workers Compensation Maintenance will pull into Payroll Data Entry ...
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    Direct Deposit Stub: Total Direct Deposit resets when P/R module is ...

    The 'Total Direct Deposit' YTD amount pulled into the DD Stub resets the date the P/R module is closed, it is not reset when the calendar changes: the Total Direct ...
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    Add the Job Number to the check stub work file

    We need to print the Job No. on check stubs in A/P when entering manual checks or when selecting them to be paid.
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    Enhancement request to attach a default Tax Profile to an Earnings ...

    Enhancement request to attach a default Tax Profile to an Earnings code. Because my customer is having to manually change the tax profile in payroll data entry if the ...
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    warning in tax profile setup

    It would be very helpful to have a message if any Non-Resident AND Resident options under a section are both checked. If they are both checked (for Example: Boone ...
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    payroll journal date in condensed mode

    The comment for payroll journal now included a 4 digit year in payroll 2.20 when in non-business framework it listed a 2 digit year. This causes confusion because if you ...
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    The employee memo reminder date field should actually generate a ...

    If I enter a reminder date in the field, it should actually remind me when that date rolls around. That's the purpose of a "reminder"?!