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    More characters required in Payroll > Employee > Setup - "City St ...

    Due to Superstream implementation 1st July14 in Australia, the Super clearing houses utilise the Australia Post websites to confirm and accept mandatory fields such as ...
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    Custom fields in PR should allow for modifications

    Once you create a custom field in Employee Set up, you don't have the option to change formatting, type of field, etc. Sometimes these need adjustments after a field is ...
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    Enlarge Deducts entry Screen on Employee Setup

    Under Employee Setup, the Deducts screen is very small when you have a lot deducts to enter or review. Is it possible to allow this window to have a full screen option? ...
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    Allow Skill level to be a customized list.

    On the Employee setup, Skill level list, allow this list to be customized so that you can add other classifications, such as Foreman.
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    Make it easier to signify a prenote in PR

    Whenever the PR person needs to change an employees bank account and do a new prenote, it is necessary for an administrator to open the date field up to delete the old ...
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    Reprint Pay Check and Direct Deposit Paystub copy as a canned report

    This is a frequent item and should be a canned report please.
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    Change Posted Time sometimes creates .01 out of balance batches for JC ...

    After a payroll is posted sometimes a change has to be made from one job number to another. Sometimes when we use the Change Posted Time feature it creates a one cent ...
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    The ability to organize the hierarchy order in Custom Fields.

    Currently, when you create a new field, it is listed at the bottom of the screen. It would be very helpful to rearrange the order of the fields to be able to group them ...
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    employee identification and expiration dates

    We have employees on Authorization work permits and work Visa's that have expiration dates. Would like to have a field where we can enter the identification numbers and ...
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    Ability to Change Payroll Check Face and Stub

    Ability to change the Payroll check stub and face just like you are able to do in AP. You did it in one module why can't you do the same in the other??!!??
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    Rearrange the order and position on the customs tab in employee setup

    to be able to rearrange the order and make fields side by side. We have certifications that need expiration dates and license numbers. I don't want to have a list ...
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    ACA COMPLIANCE.: 1094/1095 reporting through AATRIX

    Doing my YEAR END REPORTING, i have found there to be an extreme FLAW in the data pulling from SAGE to AATRIX. I am a union employer and have MANY workers on and off ...
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    Have time come into PR with a Department from Sage Construction ...

    When time from Sage Construction Anywhere is posted into PR it doesn't come in with a Department Code. I have to go into Change Time Entries and add the department for ...
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    Import Workers Comp Tables

    I would like to create new WC Tables for some jobs that contain phases that are not Standard, however I do not want to type out every phase range for each table because ...
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    Please add a report to your payroll system showing an employees wages ...

    We are in Connecticut and have workers in New York. Up until this year, on the W-2's it was possible to tell the wages and taxes earned in each state. This year ...
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    security in employee setup

    We would like the ability to separate security in employee setup to main employee information and pay information. So that the person entering main info could not enter ...
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    EQ Revenue Rates should have a date associated with them

    EQ Revenue Rates should have a date associated with them so that when accruing for month end, we can use condition "date: less than or equal to" and have the EQ Rev get ...
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    Mailing and Physical Adress needed for employees in Payroll Module

    Really need a Physical Address and Mailing address for employees in Payroll. Right now I have the physical set up in Custom Fields and Mailing set up in General, but ...
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    Update the limit for NJSDI_E and NJSUI_E with the same limits for ...

    There is an issue where the subject to amount and taxes for NJFLI, NJSDI and NJSUI will not stop at the limit if the subject to amount for NJSUI_E and NJSDI_E do not ...
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    PR posting journal shows Errors found check the system log...

    The PR Post Checks Journal shows Errors found-Check the System log in the Log Viewer. User checks the Log Viewer and doesn't find "Error", she does find information but ...