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    O/E Sales History Summary Report

    I have just noticed that when printing the O/E Sales History Summary Report (OESHISTI.RPT) that it does not display transactions correctly in the QTY column once you get ...
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    Contract Number Change

    Create a module that works like other number changer to be able to change contract number in PJC. Without needing to adjust and re create the new contract number
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    Add "Live" optional fields for URLs, email addresses, file locations ...

    Users just expect them these days.
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    Make default to new order number an option

    In Accpac 6.0 during entry and editing of an OE or PO Order, if I Post the order, the screen then returns to the "Create new order" mode with a blank order number. If I ...
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    Sort data in all containers and lists using column header

    This has been suggested before, then moved to the "Completed" list because it is a feature of the Portal Inquiry tool. However the original request has not been ...
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    Bank Reconciliation description not showing the bank transfer ...

    Bank reconciliation description only displays the source bank and the word transfer for every transfer transaction. Prior to 5.6 the transfer description was displayed in ...
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    AR - receipt batches should have an option to take discounts even if ...

    It would be helpful if you were allowed to set a "take discount" option even if it is past discount due date. Now, you have to manually enter each discount taken when ...
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    AR Statement reprint - there needs to be an easy way to cancel a ...

    AR Statement reprint - there needs to be an easy way to cancel a reprint statement function when it was sent in error. The way it is now it just goes on to the next ...
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    Sage FAS Integration

    Improve the integration of Sage FAS. Having more descriptive field pulled over in FAS program. For example, having the batch ID and Entry number transferred especially ...
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    Change OE security to limit Deleting of Orders or Completing Orders

    Would like to have the ability to limit who can delete an order or who can complete an order. This would aid in preventing fraud for employees who create an order, never ...
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    Ability to enter a quote for a specific person and/or address.

    We need to be able to enter a quote for a specific person and/or address. Currently the bill-to address for a quote is ALWAYS the company default address. An additional ...
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    crm copy quote

    In CRM, we need to be able to create a new quote based on a copy of an existing quote. Can we have a feature to copy a quote to a different company/person/opportunity. ...
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    Create PO from IC by Item Category

    When using the Create Purchase Order from IC, please add the Item Category selection in there. I have clients asking for that function. It will make life easier to make a ...
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    Track the Actual IC Category in OE Sales Reports

    Ideally OE Reprots should track the actual IC Category which is entered by the users at the point of entering the OE Orders/Shipments/Invoices. This will allow the users ...
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    OE - Duplicate PO warning display the newest order # instead of oldest ...

    Have the duplicate PO warning in Order Entry display the last Order Number to use the duplicate PO number instead of the first Order Number to use the PO.
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    Modify due dates after posting in AR and AP

    It would be good to have credit management facility in AR whereby appropriately authorised users can modify the terms on existing posted transactions. This would be ...
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    Correcting OE prepayments

    If the prepayment on order, shipment or invoice is wrongly keyed, it cannot be corrected. Options would appear to be: a) provide the ability to edit prepayments in the ...
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    Sort data using column header

    Sorry - this is a duplicate of idea at https://www11.v1ideas.com/Sage300ERP/Accpac/Idea/Detail/2161
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    Summary of Accpac feature for each module in PDF or help files

    Does Accpac have a complete write up about Accpac software features and benefits for each module? This would help to strengthen the reputation of Accpac software.
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    Optional Fields that flow fully through Accpac

    Can we please have Optional Fields that flow from the Customer/Vendor Record to the Invoice Details, which can then flow to the GL Detail line. That way you can get ...