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    Web API enhancements - Access to Optional Fields table

    With the Web API, we need to get access to CSOPTFH and CSOPTFD so an endpoint on those tables/views would be really useful. Sometimes things are stored in there for ...
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    The need to reverse a credit note when it has been applied to the ...

    The need to reverse a credit note on an AR account when it has been applied to the wrong invoice.
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    to have a select all invoices box on posting screen.

    When posting a payment it would be helpful to be able to select all invoices on a page to be changed to an automatic "yes" by creating a select all option on the AR ...
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    HRMS Secondary Job

    Create history for Secondary Jobs and the ability to link into Accpac payroll
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    Ability to see Period in GL Description

    It would be very helpful if GL Batch Description includes the period in which the AP, AR, ext...entries are posted. Now it's only the company name, module, and date. If ...
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    ORDER ENTRY: Allow you to make a change to a posted invoice

    Right now, if you generate an invoice, it is finalized. In case there was an error with pricing or address or needed to made a change to the Bill To or Ship To address, ...
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    Hello Saggy Are your there?

    Repeating an earlier call which has fallen on deaf ears Is anyone at saggy reading this? Saggy - yes as Sage is too good a name for non response Ian 12/09/14
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    PJC - Allow job details in timecard for flat rate earnings without ...

    In Sage 300 payroll, you cannot enter job details for a flat rate earning code without also entering hours. Flat rate deductions and Flat Rate expense reimbursements are ...
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    It is crazy that I have to jump from ERP100 to 200 just to add one ...

    Adding one user would cost $25k
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    1099 Form - Request for Enhancement

    The 1099 Form does not currently allow you to create a corrected 1099 electronic filing. When you upload a corrected file to the IRS Fire site, it needs to have G or C ...
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    To not allow concurrent login using the same user ID on different ...

    Same user ID should not be used to access the application at the same time into different workstation for licensing control. The system should have a capability to check ...
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    HRMS should have the capability of emailing attachments to employees ...

    we send everything via email and not having the ability to send an attachment does not make sense.
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    02/09/14 Dated as the system does not do so automatically It appear like ages since there has been any movement on what is going to be done / has been done So is anyone ...
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    Collate when printing multiple copies of multi page reports in Accapc ...

    When you select "collate" when printing multiple copies of a multi page report (Crystal), the pages do not collate. Sage Accpac ERP version 5.6 PU1
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    Finder Key to search for Cheque / Deposit # when reconciling Bank ...

    This would be a real time saver.
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    In shipment entry: Allow modification of 'Location' and Customer PO ...

    If an typo is made in the Customer's PO number, or if the Customer changes his PO number for a shipment. It would be very helpful to be able to make that change on the ...
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    ORDER ENTRY: Allow you to email you orders, shipment confirmations, ...

    Currently, if you export/email an invoice, order, shipment confirmation, credit note, the template you are exporting or emailing does not appear exactly as what you ...
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    PJC Default Equipment Rate

    Currently, you can specify a default equipment rate for each piece of equipment, but only for Standard style projects. For Basic style projects, the default equipment ...
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    Hello! A simple suggestion...in Sage 300 accounts payable.

    When selecting invoices to pay on the screen, add a line at the bottom of each company that totals the dollar amount of all invoices selected. That way, I know exactly ...
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    Be able to print a Credit Note from Customer Inquiry the same way an ...

    When a customer calls for a copy, I have to go to OE forms to print the Credit Note instead of being able to print it directly from Customer Inquiry.