• Votes


    Bank reconciliation - Allow sales tax group on bank entries

    Presently only purchase tax groups can be selected against a bank entry. Would like to be able to select sales tax groups, if the entry is income.
  • Votes


    IC: Physical inventory should allow the updating of bin location ...

    While entering counts during a physical inventory , you cannot update the bin location of an item (or picking sequence). Often in a physical you find the item on a ...
  • Votes


    Allow return of PO Receipt to reduce the amount billed on a Blanket PO

    Receving against a blanket PO reduces the amount available on the PO, but returning a receipt does not INCREASE the amount available on the blanket PO. If a client does ...
  • Votes


    Physical Inventory count with Lot Numbers

    In the older versions, when doing a physical inventory count with lot numbers, one could in 1 step decrease a certain lot, and increase another, as long as the final ...
  • Votes


    PO Invoice Entry with multiple receipts - add another receipt after ...

    After entering the multiple receipts and clicking "Invoice" and "Close", you should be able to go back to that pop up window and add another receipt to the mix. Sometimes ...
  • Votes


    Session Date in Portal

    Make it so that the Portal date defaults to the current date like in the desktop Version of 6.0A Currently in Portal you have to manually change the date each time you ...
  • Votes


    Sage Advisor

    Make it so that only the server gets the notification(s) about new updates. Right now all users who have Sage ERP 300 installed (workstations) are getting the ...
  • Planned


    Need more color on the opening pages

    the software is too white, I do like the baloons, but it needs more color
  • Votes


    PO Multiple Receipts to show only specified Vendor

    When entering Receipt and or Invoice in Purchase order. It would be helpful to only see receipts from the Vendor selected in the transation.
  • Votes


    Document Number Changer

    How about in addition to number changers for accounts, customers, vendors, and items, you include a document number changer? Something capable of taking all occurences of ...
  • Planned


    crm copy quote

    In CRM, we need to be able to create a new quote based on a copy of an existing quote. Can we have a feature to copy a quote to a different company/person/opportunity. ...
  • Votes


    sending emails - messaging queue system

    The Sage Emailing function should have a messaging queue system that can show you what is being sent/processed. Just crashing on an error with the users having no ...
  • Votes


    Restrict Reverse Batch Function in G/L

    Currently if you give somebody rights to reverse a Posted G/L Batch it is for any batch. If you reverse a batch from a subledger you very easily bugger up the ...
  • Votes


    AR Statement reprint - there needs to be an easy way to cancel a ...

    AR Statement reprint - there needs to be an easy way to cancel a reprint statement function when it was sent in error. The way it is now it just goes on to the next ...
  • Votes


    sage 300c: Print directly to printer from Web Screen

    Currently on the web screen, when users click Print, the web screen will open the PDF on a separate tab or save the PDF files to the desktop. Users need to open the PDF ...
  • Votes


    Stopping you paying a A/P Invoice that is On Hold

    Currently you can put an A/P invoice on hold either during the data entry process or via the control payments function. This stops you paying the check with the "Create ...
  • Votes


    Security for discounting (% and Amount) on Order entry screen

    Right now anyone that can enter orders in Order Entry can discount prices on each line. We have staff that just take orders and the price is already set for all ...
  • Votes


    item description on a price list

    when you change the description on a item because there was a error etc. it should give you a option to update the price list description and well
  • Votes


    Allow users to access restart maintenance

    Currently only ADMIN can access the Restart Maintenance icon. Users cannot be given permission to run Restart Maintenance, this resource needs to be added to the ...
  • Votes


    Automated scheduling of data integrity checks

    It would be nice to have a way to automatically run the integrity checks. We have 6 companies (some of them quite large) so it takes a lot of time to manually run them. ...