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    Need GL Advanced Allocations

    Accpac GL needs an Advanced Allocations module like the one that was available from a 3rd Party a couple of years ago. This is a basic module that many prospects expect ...
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    Add Print Destination to 6.0 Portal

    Please add the ability to select the Print Destination from the portal screen.
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    day end number reference to date

    Provide date range finders in reports that now call for day end numbers, or provide some other way to connect the day end number to a date for reporting purposes.
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    Change the scroll bars so they work like the ones in Excel.

    It is time consuming to have to get to an item that is somewhere in the middle of a batch listing because you can only scroll by (the equivalent of) pages. I may have a ...
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    Ability to reset / resize transaction windows in AR “transaction view”

    The detail entry window on AP and AR entries should be able to be resized for easier data entry
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    Customize Detail fields when in Zoom mode

    We can customize header fields (remove only), and can hide/move detail columns. But in Detail zoom mode, we cannot customize those fields. Can this be done please.
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    Payroll Benefit

    Ability to slip payroll benefits to GL accounts according to the earning's distribution code. If an employee works for 10 departments over the pay periods, the benefit ...
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    Sage 300c: Time Out to be more than 20 mins

    Currently it only allows 20 mins before it times user out from the web screen. System needs to have an option for users to configure the time out that suits their ...
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    Sage Funcitonality has completely slowed down in all areas.

    It takes forever to sign on. It takes forever for a module like order entry to come up, it takes for ever to print something, it takes for ever to close a print window, ...
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    Include all basic financials such as income statement, balance sheet, ...

    Include all basic financials such as income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow within the GL module for desktop and web screens
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    When entering information to a billable category, we need to be able to override the project revenue account to a revenue account more applicate to the category. Or ...
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    Quick mode for job related POs and OEs

    It would be very helpful to customers if you could implement a quick mode for POs and OEs just like you did for AP and AR transactions whereby the contract, project and ...
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    Security and Bank Services

    Add security by bank code so that users can only reconcile certain bank accounts.
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    Document Revision Numbering

    It would be beneficial if revisions to documents within CRM/ERP be marked with revisions numbers. For example, if an OE customer quotation is modified, the revised ...
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    Login Code Authentication

    Our company underwent an financial software audit and the auditors replied with a couple of security concerns. We currently have Sage 300 on our network and use Windows ...
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    Auto update Full Workstation Install if Newer PU is on the Server

    For companies with multiple workstations, it is a pain to connect to every users computer to install Sage 300 Product Updates. It would be better if Product updates ...
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    Include provisional feature in Sage Intelligence Report Designer

    Replicate reporting by provisional posting that is available in Sage 300 in Sage Intelligence Report Designer.
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    Add optional fields to G/L Inquiry filter

    The G/L Inquiry feature in the portal does not include the option of adding optional fields as a filter. We use a lot of optional fields and need to select ...
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    AR Customer Inquiry add description and comment columns to middle grid

    The middle gird of the Documents tab that shows the detail lines on the invoices should have the description and comment fields added.
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    Changing Financial Year End

    The powers that be have decided that we are to run a 15 month "year" changing our accounting date from 30/09/13 to 31/12/13. So we need a 15 month "year" for this year" ...