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    Add Report Path to the Client Config Utility

    After every update the Report Path in the Application.Config file for every user as to be updated because we have a central location for all MAS reports. Adding the ...
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    Deleting SO Lines

    Whne an SO or SO Line is deleted the system should keep these records in the DB (until explicitly purged) but mark them as deleted. Currently Change Order tracing ...
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    Add security for deleting Sales Orders and Sales Order Lines

    Deleting an SO or an SO line should be a security event. You can control this for SO by not letting a user into an SO but once they have access they can delete lines ...
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    Allow 0 qty on Sales order Entry detail screen

    There are cases when a customer wants to cancel a line of an order but to keep history of the order it is much better to move the qty ordered to 0 then it is to delete ...
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    Enhance SO and PO Chnage Order Tracking

    SO and PO Change order really shows what was and not what was changed. It is difficult to really understand changes becuase you must compare the order (what is) to ...
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    Allow emailing of document from document entry screen

    The print dialog from entry screens (SO, Quote, PO, AR invoice, ...) should support the ability to "quick" email that document to the customer/vendor
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    Allow Emailing of Quotes

    The system does not support emailing quotes. Emailing quotes to the customer is more important than emailing Sales Order Ackknowledgements
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    Ability to reverse a deposit not tied to a customer (misc cash)

    When entering a misc cash deposit, if a transaction date is entered wrong or the amount, etc. and you don't catch until after it has been posted. You should have the ...
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    Ability for GL to Error out when an Import file's Natural and Home ...

    Scenario: Company not using Multi Currency Created an Import File with Natural and Home Amount not the same, and the CurrExchRate column is blank. When this batch imports ...
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    Use customer's salesperson when copying order instead of order's ...

    When copying an order, use the salesperson currently attached to the Customer record, rather than the same salesperson on the copied order, in order to avoid errors ...
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    Support Microsoft Azure VM Machines for hosting the Sage MAS 500 ...

    I did a little experiment of creating a Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine running SQL Server 2008 and installing a Sage MAS 500 Database onto it. From within the Virtual ...
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    Support Data Porter templates with saved data with Excel 2013

    With Excel 2010 and earlier, one could save a workbook with Data Porter controls, then opening it and import directly in a DP session. However, with Excel 2013, user ...
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    Provide option to display price discounts on customer invoice

    For the types of pricing that can be used to automatically provide price discounts to customers (Contract, Inventory, & Promotional Pricing), none result in the discount ...
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    Planned WO should have the customer SHIP date as the due date not the ...

    Planned WO generated from MRP have a default finish date of the customers DOCK date! Planning and Scheduling would benefit greatly from the default finish date being the ...
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    Add Individual item pricing to Matrix Pricing by Customer Group

    Currently this functionality exists on Maintain Inventory Pricing but should also be on Matrix pricing by Customer Group. Many of the other pricing methods are available ...
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    When entering receipt of goods, we would like to be able to TAB from ...

    Currently have to click from one box to the other and it is quite annoying to switch from typing to mouse. Please let us use TAB to switch boxes.
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    Throughout order system, CustPONo needs to be 25 characters wide --- ...

    15 characters is not acceptable for distribution businesses where customer POs can be very long. It is not difficult for Sage to increase size to 25 characters ...
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    Sage MAS 500 should become Open Source

    Since it appears Sage lacks the motivation to significantly improve and enhance Sage MAS 500 but have extended its life to as far out as 2020, I would suggest that Sage ...
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    Create ability to assign payments in Sales Order to a "Shipment"

    Use the logic that splits up shipments. Ship from, ship to, ship via to create a list of "shipments" in SO and allow payments to be assigned to them. When shipping from ...
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    Ability to Delete a Custom Menu

    Add an option to delete custom menus. Currently this has to be done through SQL. If a menu can be created through the front end of Sage 500, there should be the option ...