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    Shortage visibilty from Shipment/Invoices

    It would be helpful if there was visibility for shortages on Shipments and Invoices. In our case, no, we want Example 1: - Customer orders 10 widgets from site NA012 - ...
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    I'd like to require a comment be added when creating misc ...

    I want to require users who create a misc receipt or issue to explain why they needed to use this method rather than use our normal procedures.
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    allocation by status

    Allow X3 to allocate by status. For example, we want sales orders to only be able to allocate product that is in A1 status, whereas work orders can allocate either A1 or ...
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    Maximum PO quantity

    Ability to set a maximum order quantity at the Product - site level. Ideally, a parameter would be associated with this field to either allow the user to create the PO ...
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    In V7, ADC Warehouse entry functionality.

    In V7, there is new Warehouse functionality. However, there is a limitation noted with ADC functions: ADC has no warehouse entry. An enhancement would be to allow this, ...
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    Break by lines in PO grouping

    In the PO groups function (FUNMPICKA), when generate POs, the system groups multiple suggestion lines in to one PO line even if they have different request dates. We will ...
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    Auto creation of supplier cross reference on the part master

    When a purchase order to a given vendor is issued it would be nice if there was a prompt to automatically create the supplier cross reference on the parts that are being ...
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    When a user does not have access to a function error should only state ...

    User does not have access to a function, like in-transit stock from Detail Stock inquiry. Three error screens appear. CONSSTT : Unauthorized Function [F:STJ]: Class ...
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    Credit Hold & Order Hold Workbench

    Currently when releasing sales orders from "Credit" or "Manual" order holds the user must go into GESSOH and release each order individually. It would be nice if there ...
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    Add a filter for "Intersite" (BETFCY) on the CONSCSD and CONSCSF ...

    Many organizations will use these inquiries as a means of determining the delivery records that have been validated and need to be invoiced. Time and time again we run ...
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    Indicator on the PO header indicating "Back-to-Back" PO

    At present when a "Back-to-Back" purchase order is generated you need to inquire on the line of the PO to see if there is a linked sales order. It would be very helpful ...
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    General Parameter for Ship Date vs Expect Delivery Date on Sales Order ...

    At present in x3 the user is required to specify the "Requested Delivery Date" on the sales order and then x3 will look to the Delivery LT specified on the Customer's ...
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    Quantity Changes on Back-to-Back Sales Order transferring to the ...

    Currently when the quantity on a back to back sales order line is updated that change in quantity does not carry over to the respective back to back purchase order line. ...
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    Ability to be able to track Lost Sales Opportunities

    It is common for many organizations to provide sales quotes to their clients and then the sales people will follow up and sometimes they win the deal and sometimes they ...
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    Tracking On Time Performance

    One of the major metrics any sales, purchasing and production manager looks to is how well are they delivering versus what was promised. It would be nice if x3 came ...
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    Purchase Order Receipt Workbench

    It would be helpful if there was a purchase receipt workbench that would present the user with open purchase orders for all suppliers in a grid, showing the supplier, PO ...
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    New Business Partner type for "Competitor"

    For many organizations it is critically important to keep close tabs on their competition. It would be helpful if there was a new business partner type dedicated for ...
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    Original Promise Dates on Sales Orders and Purchase Orders

    It would be helpful if there was an original promise date on both the sales order header/lines and the purchase order header/lines. For example at present a buyer issues ...
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    Line Duplication ability in Sales Order Entry (GESSOH)

    In the purchase order function (GESPOH) there is a nice function that you can invoke through the action button on the line item called "Line duplication". This function ...
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    Customer Reservations (FUNBPCALL) - Detail Allocations

    At present when using the customer reservation function this will only globally allocate inventory as a reservation. I've encountered many clients that would like to use ...