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    RMA Reasons

    The ability to enter a reason code is tied to the user entering a receipt quantity. To properly track RMAs, there needs to be 2 reason codes. The first supplied by the ...
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    Customer Returns needs to broken into two separate functions

    The construct of the customer returns function does not match the segregation of duties in a typical organization. A support organization typically takes the call and ...
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    Improve Generate Perparation to obey Ship Complete setting in Sales ...

    The issue is that when the Generate Preparation List function is executed, we do not want it to generate a Picking Ticket if an order is marked ‘Ship Complete’ and it has ...
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    Fixed rate tax rule on invoicing element should allow more than one ...

    In Quebec-Canada, we have two level of taxes, federal and provincial, the tax calculation on invoicing element is generally set up based on product tax rule, however, ...
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    Multiple ADC Sales Staging Locations

    In our distribution warehouse, we are pre-staging large (multi-palette) orders. Currently, ADC offers a single Sales Staging Area (final storage location before shipment ...
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    Ability to utilize the Customer Sequence Counter on Prospects

    Presently in X3 one is not able to create a new prospect and have the system automatically assign a sequence number to it. It would be helpful to enable the system to ...
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    Bill of Lading - v6.5 release notes shows as an Optional Add-on - why?

    Release notes show Bill of Lading as an optional add-on with v6.5 and is "available upon request" with a price of $0 for all editions. Should be available ...
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    Allow Modification of Issues in the Shipment Preparation (GESPRH2)

    The shipment preparation feature does not allow for the user to do a line item right-click, modification of issues. This is a feature that is allowable in the shipment ...
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    Supplier needs to allow multiple products to be tied to it, in ...

    Often times suppliers have mutliple units of measure for one product. In addition we would like to see the capability of Suppliers being allowed to supply multiple ...
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    Receiving UOM option

    We have products that are in a different purchase unit of measure than the inventory unit of measure. We always want to receive in as the inventory unit of measure even ...
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    customer exclusive product

    We have some product that we sell only to one customer. We'd like a way within X3 to know that a product number is exclusive (field added to the ITMMASTER) table and if ...
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    Change to how the "Return qty" field works on a customer return ...

    At present when entering a customer return, in order to populate fields such as return reason, update stock and credit memo it is necessary to have the "Return qty" field ...
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    Lowest Cost Supplier Chosen by MRP when making Purchasing Suggestions

    Presently when a product has multiple suppliers from where the product can be purchased, when MRP is run and purchase order suggestions are generated, the supplier chosen ...
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    Ability to Perform Inventory Allocation to Sales Quotes

    Many organizations have the business practice when they issue a sales quote to a customer they wish to be able to reserve that inventory against the sales quote. A nice ...
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    New Requirements Parameter Option to Include Sales Quotes in ...

    Currently sales quotes cannot be taken into consideration when calculating total requirements for a product. It would be helpful if sales quotes Would be added in the ...
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    Returns Management Functionality for Direct Sales Orders

    Presently there is no easy way of issuing a return for a customer when the goods were dropped shipped directly from a supplier. Ideally, in the customer returns ...
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    New Parameter to Allow Shipment or Preparation Creation if Sales Order ...

    Some organizations wish to institute a hold on a sales order, but they wish to be able to both allocate and create a preparation form and/or shipment so that the goods ...
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    New Partial Shipment Setting on Customer Master - "Ship Site Complete"

    At present there are three partial shipment settings that can be instituted on the customer... 1. Partial Allowed 2. Ship Line Complete 3. Ship Complete It would be ...
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    Ability to Setup the Customer Reservation Purge as a Batch Job

    Currently when a company is using the customer reservations feature (FUNBPCALL) to globally allocate inventory to a customer's account, they set a date on the reservation ...
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    Ability to partially invoice a loan shipment

    X3 doesn't allow a partial quantity of a shipment to be invoiced. All lines and the quantity of each line must be invoiced. There are items that we consign to our ...