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    Next Job Number Button for New Job Jobber for Estimate Update to Jobs ...

    When you convert an estimate to a job in "estimate Update to Jobs" there is no "next" button. You are forced to go to Job Maintenance and find the next available
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    Program Sage 100 to work with ARM chip based computers

    With the growth of ARM chips and their energy performance many laptop computers are using ARM chips. Sage 100 should be programed to work fully with ARM chipsets as ...
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    Allow layout changes to Invoices Tab in Vendor Maintenance/Inquiry

    Allow users to remove columns from the Invoices tab in Vendor Maintenance/Inquiry. Also allow the system to remember the column width the next time the screen is opened. ...
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    Customize or Disable Sage 100 Information Center Screen

    Web access and web browser is not available on the terminal server - users are clicking on links and getting errors. There should be a way to disable clicks on the ...
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    Get rid of the OK button.

    Allow user to overwrite populated fields and press enter to perform search. All other systems work this way. More work to have to navigate to OK button all the time!
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    Grid entry

    To enable efficient updates to things such as employee benefit deduction amounts (annual renewal), equipment costs, etc. Pulling up the desired group of records via the ...
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    Need a report or reports showing A/R and A/P invoices per job number to see the final sale and cost of sales amount once the job is closed.
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    Expand Email Address Feilds in Sage 100 to accomodate longer email ...

    For the customer contact database in Sage 100, it is important to note that some customers have email addresses that exceed the maximum allowable entry of 50 characters. ...
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    button in PO/SO to sort by required/promise date

    sometimes in PO/SO entry we can have 60+ line items. when customers pull in or push out it'd be so much easier to have an option to resort line items by ...
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    When in Items Inquiry ..it would be very helpful if you could add ...

    When I look up Items and put in the first 2 or 3 letters hit F2 i get a list .. It would be very helpful if you could add in On SO, On PO and what has been quoted, it ...
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    Add a button for "next item number" in IM

    We had a modification added by our former Sage vendor that added a button to bring up the next unused item number when adding new items. However, that vendor handed us ...
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    Equal decimals across all inventory monduals

    Some modules let you enter/adjust inventory up to the 4th digit after the decimal point. But if a fraction quantity is left in the system, you can't clear it out because ...
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    Preferred vendor Unit of Measure detail

    Allow purchase unit of measure to be attached to vendor to allow automatic conversion change when preferrred vendor is changed as long as standard unit of measure remains ...
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    Add batch to AP Generate ACH File

    Please add Batch Number to the Select Field section in Generate ACH File. If there are multiple batches with the same Effective and Transmission Dates, you cannot select ...
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    accounts payable data entry ability to change invoice number during ...

    Accounts Payable Data Entry Prior to Update. Upon review of entry, notice that vendor invoice number was entered incorrectly. It would be nice to be able to correct the ...
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    Add spell check and rich text to SO Line Item Text/Extended Text ...

    Spell checking was added to other notes and fields, however the descriptions that end up on PO's and SO's that go to Vendors and Customers don't have spell correction. ...
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    Task scheduler option for first/last day of month or specific day

    Customer would like to be able to use Task Scheduler to email report at EOM or on the 15th of each month. There is an option for Monthly and Last, but you need to ...
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    Support for Drag & Drop

    It can be implemented for the entire panel or via a specialized control. If Sage could accept and run a script on dropped files then that would vastly help improve many ...
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    Consolidate identical item numbers on pick sheet

    Right now, if an item is on the sales order twice under two different kits, it will print on two separate lines on the pick sheet. There should be a "consolidate ...
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    Auto-generate UPS return label in RMA Entry

    Similar to the Xpress Sales Order button in RMA Entry, there should be an "Xpress UPS Return Label" button. It should be attached to our UPS account number so that it ...