• Votes


    drop down memu and auto fill (like in peachtree)

    drop down memu and auto fill (like in peachtree); when entering customers, vendors and products
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    Make changes to make it easier to input a second cost with an ...

    When inputing an inventory item that has more than one vendor, the cost for each item is different. To input the cost for the second vendor, you have to make the second ...
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    Make the search for inventory easy like it was in Version 3.

    Now to search for on hand items you have to click to many options. Before it was two clicks. Now it is a hassle to find and read.
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    Enhance security to allow creation of Comment Items even if not ...

    Our company does not allow AR Clerk to create Misc. Items in Common Information; that needs to be done by a supervisor however it would be extremely helpful and more ...
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    Sort ebusiness invoices / orders in reverse. " New to old"

    There should be way to reverse the sort order of invoices and orders in ebusiness inquiry screens. Newer transactions and then older. Also to limit X number of ...
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    Customizing abiltiy for Default settings and Drop down options

    Prior to 4.4 in the non framework modules you were able to change the default settings for most drop down option for Inventory and Purchase Orders. In 4.4 with the ...
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    Enhance the enhancement suggestion site. More searching and sorting ...

    As the suggestions grow on this site, it is becoming more and more difficult to tell if something has already been posted, but worded slightly different. Suggest ...
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    Enable the "Create, Modify, View, and Remove" functionality in Role ...

    If a user has only "Create" permissions in SO Entry, they are still able to "Modify" an existing sales order. A simple way to distinguish this would be to key off the ...
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    Default "Ship Via" field in vendor maintenance

    Would be nice to have a default "Ship Via" field inside vendor maintenance so when you create a new PO, the Ship Via field is automatically populated with that vendors ...
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    Make Installing updates easier

    To this day i still can't understand why Sage can't build an installer file to know where you installed your MAS90 on your server. Every time I install an update I have ...
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    Instant Messaging

    It would be great if MAS 200 came with the ability to add a simple instant messenger service between people who are logged onto MAS. Having this integrated into MAS ...
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    Customer, Inventory renumber/merge take too long.

    I have over 50,000 customers with 300,000 history transactions. It take over a half an hour to renumber one customer. I have to renumber 300 customer. 150 hours to ...
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    Allow use of formulas in ALE Value column.

    The ability to use formulas in Value column of ALE Customization Wizard would elimitate the need to constantly change static values to refresh/filter data. Example: I'd ...
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    CANCEL Print Preview

    When a print preview job has been started add a CANCEL Print Preview option to the window showing the work that's being done to prepare the print job.
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    Display the company code being converted during data conversion.

    When converting multiple companies, it would be helpful to know which company is being converted currently. This would help knowing how much longer a conversion would ...
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    We need the ability to sort TAB3 line items in SO module, Invoice Data entry module and/or shipping data entry. We have the pick ticket printing out by item code in ...
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    Include a shipping data entry tab in sales order to print packing ...

    Print a packing list in sales order allowing the user to select which batch to attach the sales order to from a drop down and input any necessary information found in the ...
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    For this website, add the ability to notify those who have made a ...

    Sometimes comments provide an answer or source for an answer for a suggestion, such as 1) It's already in the program if you look in the right place. 2) Some third ...
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    I would like to go to General Ledger / Main, select an account, click ...

    We have several accounts that have so many transactions, that it takes quite a while to show them once you click on the Transaction Tab. We often get the message "There ...
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    When running a utility, please program MAS to automatically close the ...

    I recently ran the 'GLWSKA' utility and noticed the window did not close upon completion. I wasn't sure if the utility was finished, but I manually closed the window and ...